Daily with Yann Barthès on TMC – © CHRISTOPHE CHEVALIN / TF1
"It's good stuff that. The sentence may seem innocuous, but it was followed by aggression and the destruction of equipment by a team of Daily. The scene took place this weekend during
the anti-PMA demonstration in Paris.
Journalists from TMC's talk show were on hand to cover the event, when they were attacked by protesters, as reporter Salhia Brakhlia told reporters on Monday night. to many to destroy our equipment with the feet and with all their strength. It will be noted that no one around has opposed during the aggression. "
A far right group that was marching against the PMA yesterday attacked a team of #Daily. And no one around has opposed during the aggression. ⬇️
@salhiabrakhlia pic.twitter.com/7enCftSImf
– Daily (@Qofficiel) October 7, 2019
A complaint has been lodged
As she also explains, it was not about any protesters, but a tiny right-wing group called L'Oeuvre Française and led by Yvan Benedetti. He is the man on the video broadcast in Daily and posted on social networks that verbally and physically attacks journalist Sophie Dupont and her team.
And this is not the first time he attacks the Yann Barthès show. Salhia Brakhlia announced that a complaint had been filed as early as Monday.
Contacted by HuffPost, La Manif Pour Tous, one of the organizers of the event, "condemned without ambiguity" the aggression, through the voice of its vice-president and spokesperson, Albéric Dumont. "Our position is very clear on this, and from the beginning."
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