Only with honest self-criticism can one improve and then, after the courageous admission of Boban who acknowledged the defeat for the choice of his predecessor, Pioli will quickly understand how to repair Milan, because no one should ask him for the miracle of arriving at fourth place. Pioli started better than Giampaolo on the eve, saying that he trains the players and not the modules, because he prefers intensity to tactics. Not surprisingly, since the first minutes, an unknown intensity has been seen since Gattuso greeted the company, even if the intensity is not enough if what remains is rhymes and that is continuity. This applies to everyone, starting with Calhanoglu who finally honored Rivera's jersey number 10, but now he must turn the exception into a rule as he has never done before. Continuity was the pleasant companion of Piatek, who had not stopped scoring when he moved from Genoa to Milan, but then interrupted communications with the goal, partly because the team had collapsed in the last part of last season and much because Giampaolo never really believed in him. Without the confidence that had also been lacking in Higuain, albeit for other reasons, Piatek seems another one compared to a year ago, but Pioli would be wrong to leave him still on the bench and not only because he finally scored his first goal on action when he entered in the field. Piatek can go through moments of bending as it happened to all the greats, from Altafini to Inzaghi, but he is a man of the area and as such makes the most of himself when he plays with a point beside him. He showed it to Genoa with Kouame and to Milan with Cutrone and will be able to confirm it if he plays with Leao, who seems to be better on the wing than in the center. A couple like that can lift Milan, as long as you don't question it after the first game in which neither of them scores.
Very different, unfortunately, is the speech on Biglia that Pioli recalls in the good times of Lazio and perhaps for this reason gave him confidence. Lecce's 2-2 goal was born out of his mistake and it is no coincidence that Biglia, who Milan would have willingly given up last summer if he had found a buyer, no longer has the pace and continuity to become the owner . Much better to look for the relaunch of Bennacer, chosen precisely to play the role of central, but remained on the bench against Lecce for all the 97 โ, as Duarte that seems to be the new power plant instead of Musacchio. Even with Pioli, however, as had happened with Giampaolo, the new purchases have found little space and so it is legitimate to wonder if it was necessary to buy them all. On Sunday evening, in fact, only Hernandez and Leao played initially, while Krunic and then Rebic took over Paqueta and Kessie respectively in the second half. Time will tell if Pioli, like Giampaolo, fails to use reinforcements, or if all or almost all six new foreign purchases are actually reinforcements. There is no need to wait, instead, to understand that Pioli is not a "Taliban" as Giampaolo liked to call himself and also for this reason he is the right doctor to heal Milan, without worsening the situation. Because common sense serves more than many theories. Especially when the players abound, but the champions are scarce.
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