Of the new Golf, we already know some things, such as that it will dispense with the three-door body, that will have revolutionary lighting systems, that there will be electrified versions and that will bet on the digitalization of the cabin.
However, until Volkswagen shows it and we can tell you all its news, we entertain ourselves through the network, looking for the recreations carried out by independent graphic designers.

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It is the case of the render that we show you, work of the portal Kolesa.ru, in which aesthetic features of the first delivery of the model are integrated, the already famous and iconic Golf Mk1, like the round headlights at the ends of the characteristic grill.
Undoubtedly, there is no possibility that such an idea will pass to the designers of Volkswagen, more given to evolution than to the revolution. And much less, that something like that reaches the markets.
Now, it seems fun to us. And seeing the success of retro air prototypes lately, such as the Peugeot e-LEGEND, we don't see the reason to deny our attention.

However, observing the rear, the features seem closer to those of the second generation, also known as Mk2, due to the elevated position of the license plate or the VW logo in the central position.
But as we have said, you should leave this idea out of your head, because we do not expect a reinterpretation of the radical design, in any case. Rather, considering that we are talking about a car that carries 35 million units sold behind it, we are inclined to reinterpret Golf 7.
Render Source: Kolesa.ru
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