The ECOGLUE I project will develop new bioadhesives from renewable sources


AIMPLAS and INESCOP focus their research on bioadhesives for the footwear, construction and transport sectors. The project is funded by IVACE

The use of adhesives is increasingly widespread in many industrial sectors, either as an end product or as part of their processes. However, the raw materials used in their formulations come from non-renewable fossil resources. For this reason, in line with the Circular Economy model and financed by the IVACE, AIMPLAS, Technological Institute of Plastic, in collaboration with INESCOP, Technological Center of Footwear, have launched the ECOGLUE I project to develop new bioadhesives.The two technology centers propose bioadhesives as an innovative solution and aligned with sustainability. This will minimize the use of oil resources without affecting the performance of the adhesives. The main objective of this project is the synthesis, formulation and characterization of polyurethane and epoxy bioadhesives from renewable sources, whose properties will be validated in the footwear, construction and transportation sectors.

To comply with the development of these new adhesives, two strategies will be followed. The first consists of the synthesis of epoxy-based resins from natural oils. And the second will be the acquisition of commercial polyurethane and epoxy based resins from renewable sources. In both cases the corresponding bio-adhesive will be formulated by adding different additives, fillers, catalysts, etc.

The project will be supported by the Functional Inorganic Materials Team (FuniMAT) research group belonging to the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol) and the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), and with the participation of ten Valencian companies interested in new developments.

ECOGLUE I has the support of the Conselleria d'Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball of the Generalitat Valenciana through grants from IVACE with the co-financing of the FEDER funds of the EU, within the FEDER Operational Program of the Valencian Community 2014 -2020. These grants are aimed at technological centers of the Valencian Community for the development of non-economic R&D projects carried out in cooperation with companies for the year 2019.

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