the CIA has exfiltrated an agent who implicated Putin


(Washington) The United States exfiltrated from Russia in 2017 a senior Russian official who confirmed that President Vladimir Putin personally orchestrated Moscow's interference in the 2016 US presidential election, according to US media.

France Media Agency

According to the CNN television channel, this person had been working for the Americans for several decades, had direct access to Mr. Putin and provided images of documents photographed in secret on the president's desk.

But the spy was exfiltrated from Russia, CNN reported late Monday night and the daily New York Times.

According to New York Times, the CIA had proposed to her source to bring her out of Russia by the end of 2016, but she refused by invoking family problems. The US secret service then began to fear a double agent, fears that proved unfounded several months later when the source gave way.

According to CNN, this agent was exfiltrated in 2017 for fear that US President Donald Trump or his administration would betray him in one of their untimely revelations of classified information.

The CIA has denied this last point.

"The unfortunate allegations that the President's most sensitive information is being handled by the president every day – allegedly resulting in alleged exfiltration – are inaccurate," CIA Director of Public Affairs told CNN. Brittany Bramell.

For her part, White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told the television channel, "The CNN report is not only wrong, it can also put lives at risk."

A capital source

The informant, whose name was not disclosed, proved to be a vital source of information for US services, who concluded that Putin had directly orchestrated Russian interference in Donald Trump at the expense of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election, continues Times.

According to the New York daily, the informant also directly implicated Mr. Putin in hacking the e-mail server of the National Democratic Committee, which had revealed a huge amount of embarrassing messages for Clinton camp.

The exfiltered agent was, according to Times, the most valuable source of the CIA in Russia, and his flight from the country prevented the US intelligence to know the activities of the Kremlin during the midterm elections in the United States in 2018, and during the preparations for the presidential election. 2020.

Tuesday, the Russian newspaper Kommersant, quoting a source from a US government agency, wrote that the spy was an official who worked at the Russian Embassy in Washington before moving to Moscow where he worked for the Kremlin administration.

Meanwhile, the American channel NBC claimed to have found a man living near Washington which, according to two sources at the FBI, correspond to the man CNN was talking about.

When the NBC reporter approached the apartment of the man in question, two men, who identified themselves as "friends of the Russian", suddenly appeared and asked him why he wanted to speak to the person concerned. .

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