Public securities also register a sharp decline, particularly those used to carry out the cash settlement operation to move from pesos to dollars and take them out of the system. In these series the falls reach 11 percent. Longer term emissions, such as the 2026 Bonar, plummet 23 percent. The result is a country risk of 2536 points.
Banks and exchange agencies offer the dollar at 58.50 pesos, although
In the blue segment, the microcentr caves are trading at 63.50 pesos. In the wholesale segment, the currency closed at 55.98
pesos, two cents below the day before.
The Central Bank intervened directly in the spot market with the collaboration of other public banks
and also in the futures market, while interest rates remain
above 85 percent annually. The Central validated a rise in the half-point rate to 85.73 percent, and thus managed to renew all the Leliq that expired on the day and produced an additional contraction of 42 billion pesos.
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