"We are with the expectations fulfilled because our first challenge was to show the product and introduce ourselves into the community, which, regardless of the crisis, is more than positive, especially for future expectations," Yubrín said when talking about the place that opened in the shopping "The Portal".
The businessman said he aims to continue growing gradually. “We have an opening scheduled before the end of the year for a dessert center in the city center. We hope that everything goes smoothly and can happen, because we are in this country where you cannot plan many things today because they are not fulfilled. In addition, the equipment we buy is valued in dollars, which generates uncertainty based on prices. But ultimately, even under these conditions, we are still betting on the province, ”he said.

Finally, Yubrin pointed out that McDonald’s has different segments and this is one that can be exploited. "A dessert center with the possibility of adding bakery and cafeteria products. Today there are not many companies in expansion due to an inflation and cost issue, but, we still bet on a future opening, ”he said.
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