"How can a democracy accept that a couple is deprived of all contact for 150 days by revenge on the wife who was right to denounce the excesses of a system, the prosecutor daring the argument ?: +? She alerted heads of state and public opinion … There is no way to silence her + ", the lawyer wonders, while Ghosn and his wife Carole are forbidden to speak.
Mr. Zimeray asserts that "the treatment of our compatriot is discriminatory", and that "this harsh exception compromises the possibility of a fair trial".
Mr. Ghosn's lawyer adds that in France, "the great principles have not long resisted the quest for good conscience, taking precedence over the truth", explaining that Renault's board of directors has deprived his former leader of his rights to remuneration and retirement "without waiting to see clearly", and that extracts from an audit "were spread even before the principal concerned was called to justify himself".
Carlos Ghosn was arrested on November 19, 2018, when he landed in Tokyo. The 65-year-old Franco-Lebanese-Brazilian leader is suspected of failing to report a large part of his income to the stock market authorities between 2010 and 2015.
Released on bail in April, he is now awaiting trial in Japan.
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