Government of Chile supports ICO for commercialization of renewable energy | CryptoNews


The Corporation for the Promotion of Production (Corfo), an agency under the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism of Chile, is promoting the Solar Token project, designed by the company Belinus, which plans to launch an initial coin offer (ICO) to Market renewable energy, such as photovoltaics, which produces electricity directly from solar radiation.

Solar Token will operate on the Ethereum network, complying with the ERC20 standard, whose value will have an equivalent in kilowatts-hour of electric energy produced only in sustainable generation projects, as specified in his white paper.

The project aimed at boosting renewable energy through an ICO, and which has been made known through publications in the Chilean media, is promoted by a group of entrepreneurs that make up the company that received a subsidy of about 35 thousand dollars from the Chilean government to encourage the creation of the token and also finance the dissemination campaign, as he told CriptoNoticias, Andrés Vegas, CEO of the company.

Vegas added that Belinus, with the aim of marketing renewable energy, will launch its ICO with a private sale on October 1, while on the 8th of the same month a public sale will be made in Chile.

The website of the Chilean company specifies that the ICO will sell 65% of the Solar Token universe, both for public and private sales. 15% will be allocated for ecosystem growth. 5% will be for those associated with the platform and another 15% for the work team.

Belinus proposes to promote the consumption and production of renewable energy, through the creation of a financing platform, in a decentralized way and without intermediaries.

The company promises economic non-conventional renewable energy available to the public and SMEs that are developed in the country.

Silvia Zuleta, regional director of Corfo, spoke about the project for the Diario de Atacama.

“As a government we have the mission of contributing to insert Chile in the fourth Industrial Revolution. In this context, we must explore new uses of technology that contribute to generating advances in productivity, new production models based on the knowledge economy and digitally transforming our regional and national economy. ”

Silvia Zuleta, director of Corfo Atacama.

Cryptocurrency or token?

Asked by Crypto News about the impact that the launch of Solar Token would generate among the community that supports crypto assets in the country, Miguel Klagges, president of the NGO Bitcoin Chile spoke about the importance of initiatives like these. However, he stated his Concern about the confusion of terms that stand out in the dissemination of the project.

“I am very interested in the fact that in the publications and in the promotional videos of the project there is talk that a cryptocurrency is being created, when in reality it is an ERC20 token. This causes confusion in the population and hinders the educational work we have been doing since the Bitcoin Chile NGO, because people are getting a misconception of what a cryptocurrency is. ”

Miguel Klagges, President of the NGO Bitcoin Chile.

Klagges added that he hopes that soon the NGO he directs will be able to count on first-hand information from the creators of the project, since he believes that so far the available information is scarce.

“Part of the objectives of the NGO Bitcoin Chile is to support initiatives like these, if we can identify that there is good potential. And the most important thing is that they do not harm the ecosystem with unclear or incorrect information. ”

Miguel Klagges, president of the NGO Bitcoin Chile.

The white paper specifies that the Solar Token is a cryptoactive that can be marketed on global exchange platforms. He also points out that it generates benefits for token owners.

Cryptocurrencies and tokens have similarities in that both are a unit of value, accepted by a community and exist in a blockchain. The main difference between these crypto assets is that cryptocurrencies work on their own independent blockchain, while tokens are created on existing blockchains, and they are not mineable. A token has many more uses that only serve as a means of payment since it can represent all kinds of fungible and negotiable goods.

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