The author of "Orleans", who produced anti-Semitic drawings and texts, used to frequent negationist circles in Paris at the same time as Bernard Henri-Levy took him under his wing, the writer recalls in his article. a tribune to the "World".
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Tribune. "The Yann Moix affair" was born on August 21st with the publication of his new book Orleans like a gale of rare but circumscribed violence: it concerned the author's family. Then in four days, through nauseating facts, and under the greenhouse effect of an overconfined media and literary environment, this squall became one of those hurricanes that only the cultural life of this country is capable of producing with this intensity, which every time leave everyone incredulous, puzzled, disgusted.
So we went from the denunciation by Moix of his childhood martyr – soon denied by his father and especially by his brother – the public fratricide between good son and bad son without we can decide which was which, then we went through revelations about Moix's past, from family revisionism to revisionism. In this week of pre-entry, with no major news, the media did the rest, denouncing the past of Moix while promoting the book through the abjection that condemned.
Unpublished perversity
The unlikely passage, Saturday night, "at Ruquier" [host of the program "We are not lying" on France 2] of a Yann Moix torn between sincerity and desire for rhetorical effect, came to complete this process with an unprecedented perversity.
Nothing, however, required us to come to that point. Unlike Mehdi Meklat [in 2017, this journalist and writer had to explain on old Tweet anti-Semitic and homophobic]who has never ceased to be innocent by accusing the system, Moix has for him not to have long sought to deny the facts or his responsibility.
When he tries as freely as possible to trace his career, the story that is sketching out, fascinating for those interested in the rancor of this country, is that of a young provincial man, author of obscene drawings on Auschwitz , and in the total denial of his anti-Semitism – a young man whose arrogance and taste tarnished for violence and abjection meet, after his arrival in Paris, a certain air of the time, that of the years 1990-2000, which he mentioned on 1st September at the microphone on France Culture, in the show "Signs of the Times".
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