Do you want an electric car? Volkswagen will launch one for 649 thousand pesos


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The electric car industry is, for several reasons, the future of mobility. In the first instance, electric motors tend to use energy more efficiently, effectively improving their long-term effectiveness. They can also be a solid solution to solve problems such as environmental pollution and the eventual shortage of fossil fuels. On the other hand, they are also an increasing trend among brands.

Just look at some figures linked to this industry. According to figures collected by Interesting Engineering, the sales of these vehicles, only in the United States (USA), grew by 81 percent during 2018 compared to the previous year. On a global scale, according to EV Volumes, there are already more than 2.1 million units in circulation. At the same time, in figures of Arcadia Power, the electric car only accounts for 0.2 percent of total cars in the world.

Although the electric car still does not reach the figures of its traditional counterpart, it is a market in which more and more brands are eager to bet. It is clear that the growing interest in this technology is not just a temporary trend. Thus, many companies are investing a lot in these cars. Not only to develop options with similar capabilities to a standard model. Also to reduce its price to an acceptable range.

Volkswagen and its new mass electric car

In this sense, a new competitor joins the scene. In accordance with The vergeVolkswagen has just announced a new electric vehicle "for the masses." ID.3 has just been presented at the 2019 Frankfurt Motor Show. It is expected to come in three variants of price and capacity, the most accessible of them with a price lower than 30 thousand euros (about 649 Mexican pesos). The car could reach the market as soon as mid-next year.

Promotional materials of the electric car show that, in design, it is very similar to traditional Golf. Volkwagen, however, stated that this vehicle should be much more comfortable for users. Because the electric motor is smaller than a conventional one, the exterior of the car may be small, but with a relatively wide interior. For now, it is not known when it will arrive in the US or China. Nor is a launch in Mexico mentioned.

A prudent investment for Volkswagen?

The electric vehicle fever is present in all the major automakers in the world. The last weekPorsche launched a luxury car to compete with Tesla, valued at three million dollars. Lamborghini, as part of his strategy to reach Ferrari, is also betting strongly on this market. Toyota, meanwhile, even boasted in July that it would manufacture so many units, that it would need more suppliers outside of Panasonic.

For Volkswagen, entering the market for electric vehicles for the masses is a smart idea. The financial and ecological benefits of an electric car are increasingly accepted. As fear of this type of units is lost, a less select segment of the public is willing to acquire one of these models. Being one of the first companies to provide an affordable option will be an unbeatable advantage in reputation.

At the same time, there is a crucial challenge that the brand must face before selling its electric car. Scale production will certainly allow you to reduce the price of your model. However, to have good returns on this strategy, you need good demand. Before launching with its initiative, Volkswagen must certify that there are enough interested people. Or, in the worst case, generate all the previous enthusiasm possible.


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