Analysts have valued the areas of privacy protection, social action and philanthropy and financial inclusion
Analysts have valued the areas of privacy protection, social action and philanthropy and financial inclusion. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) is the main global index that evaluates the behavior of companies under ASG criteria and this time has included 318 companies, out of 3,517 analyzed from 47 countries in the world.
CaixaBank has obtained the highest score (100 points) in the areas of privacy protection, social action and philanthropy and financial inclusion. DJSI analysts have also positively highlighted other aspects such as risk management, anti-corruption and money laundering policies, information security, climate change strategy and human capital development.
The president of CaixaBank, Jordi Gual, has stressed, according to the same statement, that "since its inception, the entity has always been guided by the values of quality, trust and social commitment, with the aim of contributing to the financial well-being of our customers and the progress of the whole society ".
For the president of CaixaBank, "The Dow Jones Index has recognized, once again, CaixaBank's commitment to people and responsible management, creating value for all stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders and society"For his part, the CEO, Gonzalo Gortázar, stressed that the repeated presence of CaixaBank in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index proves its status as" a benchmark in socially responsible banking, a key priority of our 2019-2021 Strategic Plan " .
CaixaBank is present in the most relevant sustainability indexes worldwide and is evaluated by leading sustainability analysts, including MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes, Stoxx Global ESG Leaders Indices, Euronext Vigeo index Eurozone 120, Euronext Vigeo index Europe 120, the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe, and the FTSE4Good index.
The entity, the statement continues, is immersed in the development of the green business (green loans, eco-financing lines, green housing promotion), and last year participated in the green loan market for 1,448 million dollars.
Likewise, CaixaBank collaborates with the European Investment Bank in the financing of projects focused on the fight against climate change; and the entity has made progress in the field of ESG and climate risk management, through the creation of an environmental risk management division integrated in the General Risk Directorate and the approval of its Environmental Risk Management Policy .
Bankia also joins the Dow Jones European Sustainability Index
Bankia also joins the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) Europe, which recognizes the financial institution as one of the most sustainable companies in Europe. Analysts have valued the entity with the maximum score, that is, 100 points, the responsible business model, transparency, fiscal strategy, privacy protection, the correct analysis of the most relevant issues for the bank and for its stakeholders, as well as policies on philanthropy and financial inclusion.
The director of Responsible Management of Bankia, David Menéndez, said that "for the entity, belonging to this index is a recognition of the effort we make to make responsible management a fundamental pillar of our business model." "It is a stimulus to the work that is done from all directions of the bank to promote sustainable banking through responsible management," added Menéndez.
Bankia has received a score of 78 points out of 100. More than 3,500 companies have been invited to participate in the selection process to be part of the index. In line with the commitment to responsible management of the entity, Bankia has been included in the FTSE4Good Index since 2016, an index internationally designed to facilitate investment in companies that manage their businesses with environmental, social and Corporate Governance (ASG) criteria and They are the most recognized for their sustainability.
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