"I do not even think about pain, I think only of bees", launches Vince Ylitalo, American veteran, who fought notably in Iraq. Many American veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress. To relieve their suffering, these former soldiers undergo bee therapy in the city of Manchester (United States). "When everything becomes too intense, too delusional and you want to relax, you sit in front of a beehive and look at the coming and going of the bees, it's so relaxing, all your worries are gone", precise Franck Bartel, veteran of the war in Vietnam.
"I sleep better, I'm thinking of the buzzing bees", finds Wendy Zimmermann, also a former soldier. The program is free. After nine months, veterans also learned the craft of beekeeping. "We are trying to encourage veterans to take control of their lives, but also to give them the opportunity to start their own business to earn extra income, which is really important for most of them."analysis Adam Ingrao, member of the association "Heroes to Hives".
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