61.5% of companies in the ICT sector expect to create jobs during the next quarter


61.5% of companies in the ICT sector expect to create jobs during the next quarter

61.5% of the compa

Despite the political and economic uncertainty,companies related to ICT services are very optimistic about the growth they expect to experience in the next quarter, according to the new September delivery of the barometerTIC Monitoron the business and labor climate jointly carried out by the company specialized in digital solutionsVASSand the Economic Prediction CenterLEARN.

According to this barometer,7 out of 10 companies in the ICT sector (69.3%) believe that the business will increase in the following three months, compared to the 30.8% that perceives a worsening.This results in a positive net average of 38.5% (on a scale of +/- 100), more than 10 points above the average obtained last August (28.3).

With regard to job creation expectations, although optimism refers this month against the previous one (the average in September is +23 compared to the +49.1 obtained in August),Companies remain optimistic: 61.5% expect to create jobs during the next quarter.

This is consistent with the recent evolution in the hiring indicators, which continue to attest to the strength of the sector as a skilled job seeker, with an annual growth of + 5.1% (June 2019-June 2018).

Although this percentage is continuous with respect to the one reviewed byTIC MonitorIn August (+ 4.9%), the data show that ICT services ”consolidate its leadership position as an employment engine within the services sector, which barely increased its workforce by + 1.8%, which represents a pace of hiring almost three times lower than that of consulting companies and IT companies. ” "For five long years, the ICT services sector has become one of the most important engines in the creation of specialized employment in Spain," he says.Antonio Rueda, responsible for TIC Monitor and professor of the Department of Economic and Economic Structure of Development of the UAM.

Finally, the indicator that measures the evolution of the turnover shows the annual growth of the turnover of companies in the ICT sector by + 5.2% (June 2019 – June 2018), recovering the tone with respect to the previous delivery, which recorded a point decrease of + 2.2%.

However,Antonio RuedaIt draws attention to a fact that has not yet been noted And, since November 2016, the turnover per employee does not grow above 2% and, in the last three months, the growth is below 1%. ”This may be indicating that, to maintain their levels of growth, the sector is sacrificing its business margins; which may explain that companies maintain short-term billing expectations, but not so much regarding employment, ”concludes the head of the barometerTIC Monitor.

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