The states in Europe with the youngest democracy: Italy, Austria and France


He is 73 years old as France and Austria, while the oldest country is Switzerland with 171 years

The longest running democracy on the European continent is Switzerland, which has well 171 years: more than double compared toItaly which instead has only 73 years old. The democracies of France and Austria are just as young as that of our country, as can be seen in the graph above. All three states moved to a democratic form of government after the end of World War II. Immediately after Switzerland, however, we find Great Britain (134 years), Luxembourg (129), Belgium (125), the Netherlands (122) and Norway (119). The democracies of states in Europe are, on the whole, quite young compared to other countries, such as the United States, where it is present from over 200 years. In fact, the US is the first democracy of modern history.

States in Europe vs in the world

The oldest democracy in the world is that of the United States of America, which has at least 219 years (if you start the calculation from 1800 as for the other countries considered). A short distance away we find New Zealand, which is 162 years old, and Canada, which is 152 years old, as can be seen in the graph below. The other states in Europe are between 134 and 73 years old.

At the bottom of the ranking, however, are Israel which has 71 years of democracy, Costa Rica (70), India (69), Japan (67), Colombia (61) and finally Jamaica (57).

The innovation map

Italy is among the top 20 most innovative countries in the world: to be precise it occupies the 19th place with a score of 75,76, just before Australia which has a score of 74.13. As you can see in the graph below, the first country in the world is Germany, which has accumulated the highest score of all, that is 88.21. The ranking is based on several parameters: what sanctioned Italy’s success is thehigh tech, with particular reference to companies active in the sector.

The Asian states they occupy important positions: South Korea and Singapore are respectively in second and third place, while lower down we find Japan (82.31) and China (78.8). Britain, on the other hand, is positioned a short distance from Italy with an overall score of 76.03.

The data refer to: 1800-2020

Source: Visual capitalist

Read also: The shortest of the Italian governments lasted only 9 days

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