“Nobody feels immune.” In the last 24 hours 590 infected


Coronavirus, Iss:

The number of infected people still rises coronavirus with an increase in the last 24 hours of 590 cases. Since the beginning of the emergency they register in Italy 3,858 cases of Covid-19: the number of people currently positive is less, 3,296, while 414 are the healed (10.73%) and 148 the deceased (3.84%). The victims of the last 24 hours are aged between 66 and 94, “fragile people mostly with different pathologies,” explained the extraordinary commissioner for the emergency Angelo Borrelli illustrating today’s data. Of the total positives, 1,790 are hospitalized with symptoms, 351 in intensive care, 10% of people with coronavirus, and 1155 in home isolation.

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And today the appeal has come from the president ofHigher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, who wanted to underline the importance of respecting the recommendations for the containment of the virus. “Containment measures are important and our government is adopting them but it is also important how we behave,” said Brusaferro, and therefore it is essential that “each of us does not feel immune to the possibility of infection but feel involved in the measures that reduce its circulation. Only this can help us slow down this curve ». “The most important figure is the increase in Lombardy of 280 units, we have reached 1777 cases, equal to 54% of the total”, explained Borrelli stressing that however there are no critical issues in hospitals and that requests for places have not arrived intensive care in other regions.

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“In Emilia Romagna we have 142 more infected with a total of 658 people equal to 20% of the total, in Veneto an increase of 35 for a total of 380 people suffering from coronavirus, 11% of the total”, explained Borrelli. Meanwhile, the work of the Civil Protection continues. “We have increased the number of pre-triage tents in front of the hospitals which are now 361 – said the commissioner – 2269 men are on the field, divided between the department, the armed forces and the police and civil protection volunteers”.


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