“I enjoyed Juve-Inter because there was no audience”


Mario Sconcerti, first signature of the panorama of Italian sports journalism, guest at TMW Radio during ‘Open Stadium’.

“It seems to me that it is clear to everyone what is happening: we have evidence that we have never had. Maybe football is helping us understand. The certainty is that the virus will end, it will die at some point, but only when it is not there. no other case in the world. Can’t we think it’s a week’s problem, what do you want to do on April 3? It seems clear to me that there will be no Champions and European Championships, which are also itinerant. Who will take responsibility? If during this war Europe doesn’t come to help me, I don’t care, I don’t want it anymore. The stakes now, in addition to the lives of many, is trust in Europe: either it becomes a homeland or it becomes nothing. I am happy with how Italy is acting, the virus forces you to think quickly. In a week it will be another world, I don’t know what will be decided but Europe will have to be there “.

How did you feel about watching the games over the weekend?

“Juve-Inter was a great game, I enjoyed it more because there was no audience. It was a clear match, I studied it move by move with the peace of mind when reading a book. This is a margin notation, not an invitation to always play behind closed doors. While I was bored to see Milan against Genoa, which has become a team. ”

How could the championship end?

“Italy can no longer make a decision on its own, it is an international situation. There is no evidence to suggest that April 3 can be restarted. The emergency is global, even the other major European countries, such as Spain and Germany will have the same situation as us: they are only a week late, which is why I say that there will be neither the Champions League nor the European Championship, unless there are fools who take responsibility for making them play. Nothing prevents us from taking the month of the European Championship and moving it between 15 December and 15 January, in the same period in which the World Cup will be played in Qatar in 2022. Thus we recover the months to dispose of all the effects of the virus “.



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