The Coronavirus it shows no sign of stopping its spread and, for this reason, following the new restrictive measures of the Italian government and of all the other world states, the world of sport is also suffering great consequences.
10.45 – The former coach of Italy and China, Marcello Lippi he declared to Rai Radio: “There are those who are deputy to command. The government has to decide, take their own responsibilities, make the laws and enforce them, getting advice from those who know the problems from the health point of view better than us. Everyone must do their part, I say everyone. Yesterday I saw people walking around the beaches, crowding restaurants and bars. This is not what the government decree says. The problem is that it is difficult to give up your normalcy. Stopping the championship means closing everything, even the training venues, because otherwise you might as well play Sunday. The Scudetto? If the Serie A stop was decided for me, this championship should be invalidated. It is not possible to award the championship, nor to decide on relegations, in a tournament where there are 12 games left. The European? We ask ourselves many questions. There is the European Union, which enters the dance and makes decisions. Also because the problem is now continental, albeit with different shades “.
9:15 – The coach of the Lyon, Rudi Garcia: “I don’t know if we will play with Juventus in the Champions League … “.
09.00 – The Generalitat de Catalunya, the central government of the province of Barcelona, he officially asked that the return match of the Champions League round of 16 fra Barcelona and Naples scheduled for Wednesday 18 March, to be played behind closed doors for fear of the spread of Coronavirus.
08.45 – Even the Polish striker of Napoli, Arkadiusz Milik, said his about the difficult moment related to the Coronavirus emergency: “It is a difficult moment for everyone: we are all tested. For this we must demonstrate that we know how to react, comply with the rules and we will go out together. Each one of us comes asked to do their part. Hopefully the situation will return to normal soon. Health is the most important thing. Come on! ”
08.30 – Tomorrow the extraordinary council called by the FIGC to legislate on the continuation or not of the championship will be held. The possibility that the Serie A will stop until April 3 is concrete, but according to the Corriere dello Sport, despite the political pressure that President Gravina is undergoing, from clubs, the input comes to try not to suspend the championship and continue playing behind closed doors.
08.00 – California has officially canceled the first Master 1000 of the tennis season. Indian Wells it will not be disputed for fear of the spread of the Coronavirus emergency which is already hitting the US state. “At the moment, it’s too great a public health risk for Riverside County to hold a rally of this size. “ These are the words of Dr. David Agus, professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California, with which the official release of the Indian Wells tournament opens.
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