Coronavirus, China divides a city with construction site fences to limit infections: it is the “Great Blue Wall”


First the isolation of a region of 58 million like theHubei with the total closure of Wuhan, where 11 million inhabitants remained sealed for weeks at home by order of the government. But some cities in China have decided to apply other measures to contain the epidemic of coronavirus that caused in the country beyond three thousand victims. A report from the New York Times shows that a Tianjin, a city of 15 million inhabitants that in recent years has been overwhelmed by an impressive economic development, the authority have decided to build walls in cities made of sheet metal fences to limit displacements and limit the spread of contagions.

“When the coronavirus has arrived – reads the American newspaper – i officials locals they went into action. The district of Hepingin particular, it has taken possession of the huge offer of blue construction plates as a means of stopping the spread of the virus. ” Barriers renamed since NYT “The Great Blue Wall”, in a city where growth occurred with huge errors of assessment, so much so that many construction sites are currently inactive. Experts estimate that the city’s debt is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. But that of the district of Heping this is not the only case: Sky News, already at the end of January, had documented the construction of walls in six villages in the region ofHubei, about 600 miles from Wuhan, epicenter city of the virus. A way not to let strangers in.


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