Giovanni Cobolli Gigli, president of Juventus from 2006 to 2009, returns to criticize the choices of his former club rather heavily: “For me, the job of the coach is totally insufficient. It was a mistake to take him and a very serious mistake for him to go to a team to which he spat with words during his experience at Napoli. His method? Impossible to implement with Cristiano Ronaldo, “he said to Radio Kiss Kiss, not sparing poison even for historic competitors, Inter: “The president of Inter has frowned, he does not realize what it means to be at the head of a great club. Luckily for the Nerazzurri there is Marotta. The situation could be managed better. There had been strong signals from the government, then there was a softening, now they are finally trying to do good things. In this chaos, club presidents tried to do their best. In the end it took the government to put precise rules because within the League there were only many controversies that did not lead to common decisions “.
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