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Corona Panic: New York tourist and Greek tourists visiting Israel have been infected with the virus
A tourist from the United States who was staying in Israel turned out to be Corona blue – the Health Ministry released Thursday. In addition, the Health Ministry said that tourists from Greece who stayed in Israel and the Palestinian Territory from February 19 to 27 were discovered after returning to Greece as patients with the Corona virus.
The tourist from the United States, 50 and a resident of New York, was diagnosed last night in her country as a positive for the virus. She visited Israel on February 27-23 and stayed in Jerusalem. Now, she is hospitalized in a New York hospital.
According to a statement from the Health Ministry, the patient arrived in Israel on El Al flight number LY8 leaving New York at 23:50 on February 22, 2020 and landing in Israel on February 23 at 17:10. In addition, she departed Israel on El Al flight number LY27 leaving Israel at 1:05 am on February 28, 2020 and landed in New York on February 28, 2020 at 6:00 am.
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The tourist’s itinerary included several places in the capital: On February 23 from 23: 30-21: 30 Sunday evening she was at the Rimon Cafe in Mamilla and visited the Zara branch on Mamila Avenue in Jerusalem. The next day, she was staying at Cafe Rimon on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem from 1 pm to 3 pm. Get on the Egged bus line 74 at King George Street at 3:00 pm and go down the street through Hebron in Jerusalem. In the afternoon between 17: 00-19: 00 there was a store of happiness up to the corner of 26 Kreig St. Jerusalem’s Citrus Mall.
It was also noted that on February 25, the tourist stayed at the David Remez 4 Jerusalem station complex at the KITCHEN STATION restaurant from 3 pm to 2 pm. The next day, from 10am to 9am, Mizrahi Tefahot Mortgage Bank was located on Queen Hellenic Street 9 in the capital. Then she was at FOX HOME stores, up to and including a book intersection at the Hadar Mall in Jerusalem from 11:30 to 14:00. On the day of her departure on February 27, at 10:00, she traveled on line Egged No. 74 from Hebron Road to Talpiot. Between 13: 00-11: 00, there was a café in the cafe at 36 Emek Refaim Street Jerusalem. At 7:30 pm, Egged bus line 74 went from Hebron Road to the Central Station in Jerusalem. At the end of the visit, she traveled by train on the Jerusalem – Ben Gurion Airport at 20:30.
The Health Ministry has called on citizens staying in these places during the time of the tourist’s visit, to enter a home isolation for 14 days from the exposure and report it on the office’s website.
A few decades ago, the Prison Service (IPS) was transferred to isolation for fear of the spread of the virus. The guards returned from visits abroad from countries designated by the Ministry of Health to enter home isolation nationwide. IPS claims none of them have any symptoms and they all feel good. Prison Service is also preparing for several scenarios to deal with the infiltration of the virus into prisons.
According to the Ministry of Health’s guidelines and the Emergency Department, the Peda Furia Medical Center is preparing to open a department of care for patients infected with the Corona virus, as part of the overall preparation of all hospitals in Israel. The department will operate in a dedicated compound prepared for this, including a separate compound for the caregiver staff and strict adherence to the required isolation and coping procedures. According to the Department of Health guidelines, the department will include 30 hospital beds.
Ziv Medical Center has also been working to open a special department for the hospitalization of Corona patients in the last 24 hours, as part of the comprehensive preparation of all hospitals in Israel. The department that opens will be completely isolated from the passersby and the various patients at Ziv. The ward will have 30 inpatient beds, have a special ventilation system and operate appropriate medical and nursing staff.
Ministry of Health: “Don’t know what’s going to be next week”
Last week, the Ministry of Health said in light of the spread of the Corona virus in Israel that Israeli citizens who had returned in the last two weeks from France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Spain would be required for a 14-day isolation. The provisions take effect immediately and are binding from now on. In addition, more than 5,000 people will not be allowed to attend any gatherings.
Health Minister Dr Ehud Shalmon said the guidelines were intended to help. “Our travel warnings are stricter and we apologize for that. We ask people to avoid travel to these countries. Some states may be debated, but we believe that as many restrictions on travelers as possible will benefit the public, “Shalmon said at a Foreign Ministry briefing.
“Of course it affects us all,” he added. “I do not know when we will continue with these guidelines. I also do not know what is going to be next week.”
According to Dr. Shalmon, two months ago, the ministry realized it was a major crisis. “We decided with first steps – restrictions on borders with different countries and isolation of returning Israelis. We decided not to test people’s heat, “he said. He said the length of time required for isolation – 14 days – is still a question mark because” there are estimates that it is ineffective. ”
On the possibility of personal protection through masks, he said: “You won’t see many Israelis with masks because it’s not exactly protective, except for people who provide treatment.” He emphasized the importance of maintaining personal hygiene. “We ask people to wash their hands, not to shake hands and use alcohol.”
At a Foreign Ministry briefing, Immigration Authority Director General Prof. Shlomo Moore Joseph said: “We are in a global medical crisis. It is not just a medical matter – there is risk management of a global event here. Each state has its own restrictions according to its capabilities and it depends on how many risks one wants to take. ”
“Even countries that are not currently included in restrictions, such as South America or Africa, can also be included tomorrow morning,” he said. However, Moore Joseph clarified that “this is not an issue. At a targeted event against a particular country or body. “We are taking precautions in what is happening at the borders. We understand that now that we are dealing with European countries, we need to be more flexible.”
Faced with the outbreak of the epidemic in the Palestinian Authority, Mor Yosef added that “relations with the Palestinian Authority and the Jordanians are very close. Cooperation is on a daily basis that this virus has no borders. There is a major challenge with tourists traveling to the Palestinian Authority.”
Mor Yosef also addressed the claims about the severity of the restrictions, saying “one of the questions is why are we getting so strict with the restrictions? Because we can and so we can control the boundaries. We take health care first and foremost and everything else should come to fruition.”
At the same time, Chairman of the Histadrut Arnon Bar-David said after an emergency discussion on the Corona crisis that he required “significant steps” to save distressed industries. The Histadrut called on the Prime Minister to announce a comprehensive package of aid, providing state-issued balloon loans for businesses in need and solution Bulk sick pay from day one for all employees who are in isolation. He threatened that unless immediate steps were taken, “I would not hesitate to declare a general labor dispute.”