Coronavirus, in Lazio the number of cases rises to 75, with 22 cases more today, while 43 are hospitalized and three are healed. It is the bulletin published by Lazio region which highlights that today there are 8 people hospitalized in intensive care, while 21 are people in home isolation.
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Up to yesterday 53 positive cases had been recorded in Lazio, in addition to the 3 people recovered (the Chinese couple and the Italian researcher already discharged). Of these, at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani of Rome, 34 people are hospitalized, including 8 in intensive care and 16 in home isolation. The exponential increase in infections, recorded two days ago, derives from a party organized on the territory of Latin, attended by people from other regions of Italy.
Coronavirus, exports to China collapse. January-February trade deficit of $ 7 billion
Coronavirus, the mother of patient 1 from Puglia died in Codogno. The 43-year-old’s wife is in Resuscitation
Last updated: 18:11
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