“Scudetto 1997-98? Juventus is written on the gold bulletin board, but everyone knows why”


Former Inter goalkeeper Gianluca Pagliuca was interviewed by fcinter1908.it. Here are his words: “How much football is missing? I miss football, as well as everyone is missing. But I miss real football, with the public, as it was before. Football as I want to restart it, however, I don’t like it at all.

Isn’t it right that the leaders of football are pushing so hard to start again? No. Because it is dangerous, both for the athletes and all the people who make up the technical staff. I understand that companies lose a lot of money, but if we want to protect health it is an account, if we want to save the accounts instead … it is another. I am assuming that it is better not to risk further infections. We must think first of all about people’s health.

Do the Nerazzurri fans remember me with great affection? I am happy because I stayed five years at Inter and I would have stayed even longer if it hadn’t been for Lippi. I would have done much more and I would have taken off other great satisfactions. I am proud of the consideration of the Nerazzurri fans, as well as that always received by the Sampdoria and Bologna fans. People’s compliments are priceless and I carry them in my heart.

Why didn’t that Inter win as much as he could for the qualities he had? We all know it because we haven’t won more. We raised the UEFA Cup to heaven and fought for the championship until the end. We know very well what happened in the last Serie A matches in 1997-98. Juventus is written on the roll of honor, but everyone knows why.

The atmosphere of that vintage? Well, that year Ronaldo arrived, who represented the touch of class and the icing on the cake. We were an already strong team, with his arrival we have improved a lot. There were already great players like Zamorano, Djorkaeff, then Moriero also arrived. A very strong team, a very large group. A coach, Simoni, very good at managing the locker room. There were many elements of depth, personality and charisma. But having a coach like Gigi was fantastic, because he managed to shape us all. He had a word for each and it was a great one.

If it is true that Ronaldo entered the locker room in the hours before the final against Lazio, saying to the team “Quiet, will I win?”
We had a huge charge, because the scandal game against Juventus had been the week before. The following Wednesday Lazio had won the Italian Cup by beating Milan in the final. So we faced that game psychologically at a great disadvantage compared to them. It’s true, Ronnie said it, and he really did. He played an extraordinary game, like the whole team. In that race we were much stronger than Lazio.

What went wrong with Lippi? A few things happened after that Juve-Inter match … Let’s say it was a wound still open for me.

If I liked Conte’s Inter until the break? Yes I liked it. I think the road has become very difficult for the Scudetto, especially after the defeat of Turin against Juventus. I believe that, in the event of a restart, Lazio are ahead of the Nerazzurri, although I believe that the Bianconeri would win in the end. However, Inter have excellent chances to move forward in the Europa League and perhaps even to win it. Also because it has been missing since 1998, when we won it.



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