‘If it comes to my arrival, the dollar is going to say’


Noting that the dollar has two eyes, Tebern Kirei said: “The first is honey, if it does not mean swap. The second is deviation. When Trump attempts to devalue the FED, which will make it happen.
time will tell. ”


Journalist writer Tebern Kirei answered questions via his youtube account.

The biggest determinations in the world since the Central Banks are totally
  “It is one of the lies,” said Kirei.Central Banks are totally
  is the biggest lie. Turkey has destroyed this taboo. Now it’s the second time
  it has to be increased. What are you interested at the same time?
  It is not said. Can not be controlled at the same time. Central Bank and economic management
  There is a risk here and it goes back to Turkey, until Turkey is not. Central Bank interest rates dryor. If it succeeds, the epic is written here
.” said.
Kirei interests indicating that private banks behaved at a rate of F16 while increasing interest rates
  Then they reflected this on the loan interest rates with the turtle and
  He said that Turkey is the biggest bank banker bank.
Regarding the high of the dollar, “The dollar is only in Turkey
  deerlen not. It is valued in all developing countries. We shouldn’t forget that.
  The dollar was actually under control and was going down quickly
  However, as in the whole world with the corona, it started to rise in our country.
  Here, the situation of the FED is also moist. In other developing countries since the year.
  20 percent appreciated, Turkey is also on this average.
  Our audience could have been right if they had been more valued. ”

Regarding swap understanding, Kirei said: “swaps
  If he understands, he says dollars. Eventually this will be done, good here
  there are negotiations. Trump is the most merchant facing in America’s history. These negotiations
  ok is not easy. It’s hard for Turkey to get what it wants, but it’s a medium
  there will be a way. “

Kirei pointed out that the dollar is two eyes honey. “First
  swap to understand honey. The second is deviation. When Trump gave the FED a
  if he succeeds in doing devaluation, which will do, the dollar will then support.


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