Coronavirus Campania, the latest news and infections today 22 April. DIRECT


“I agree with Attilio Fontana that we have to open all over Italy, but opening does not mean opening in the same way. Because there are regions in which there is not even an outbreak of contagion, and regions in which the problem is still strongly present We must at least limit mobility to the regions to which they belong, “said the president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, a guest at Porta a Porta together with the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana. (DIRECT)

12:17 – 87 year old dies before being discharged

She heals from Covid -19, but her heart stops beating a few hours before being discharged from the hospital. It is an 87 year old woman from Sala Consilina (Salerno) who died at the Campolongo Hospital in Eboli (Salerno). The 87-year-old was a guest at the Sala Consilina nursing home where a dangerous outbreak occurred from Covid -19. Transferred on 30 March last, together with the other elderly people from the same nursing home at the Ebolitan hospital, the elderly woman would have been discharged in the next few days after the negative result of two tampons. Last night, however, she died of complications.

12:16 – Covid department of Polla also active in phase 2

The Covid -19 ward of the Polla hospital, in the Salerno area, will continue to be operational for Phase 2. Confirmation comes through a note from the health director of the Pollese hospital, Luigi Mandia, who expresses “keen satisfaction with the results here obtained by the new department which made it a point of reference for the entire ASL, both in terms of organization and in terms of results obtained “. It is a department, set up in a short time, in which, among other things, there have been no infections by the health personnel involved in it. To date, 22 patients in intensive care and 8 in post-Covid therapy have been hospitalized in the Covid Pollese department, directed by Dr. Domenico Rubino and the resuscitator Dr. Luigi De Angelis. There are currently three positive people who are performing sub intensive care. The “Luigi Curto” hospital in Polla serves over 100,000 people from the Vallo di Diano, Tanagro and neighboring areas.

13:11 – Donation of the Chinese evangelicals to the Ariano red zone

Tomorrow, Thursday 23 April, at 2.00 pm, at the headquarters of the Regional Council of Campania, in the Siani Hall, the representative of the spokesman of the Chinese evangelical community, Liang Yanming, will deliver to the Prime Minister, Rosetta D’Amelio, and to the Health Director of the hospital of Ariano Irpino, Angelo Frieri, a donation of medical material destined for the red area of ​​Ariano Irpino. These are, in particular, three biological chambers for the transfer and transport of patients suffering from Covid-19, over 10 thousand masks, a thousand protective suits. The solidarity operation of the Chinese Evangelical Church in Italy has materialized thanks to the historic collaboration with the Lilliput cooperative coordinated by Giovanni Tagliaferri – which in the past few weeks has promoted several solidarity initiatives in Campania – and the international organization “Italy for Christ”, chaired by Gaetano Sottile, always close to the Italian Chinese evangelical community. Similar initiatives in other regions have already been promoted in recent weeks. Tomorrow the solidarity chain arrives in Campania. The lawyer Davide Lepore, delegate of the Chinese community and the journalist Alessandro Iovino, director of Real Inside Magazine, who will illustrate to President D’Amelio the times and methods of this extraordinary aid plan put in place by the Evangelical church to deliver the material Chinese in favor of the Campania region.

11:23 – Twentieth victim in Torre del Greco

Twentieth victim from Coronavirus in Torre del Greco (Naples) since the start of the pandemic. This was communicated by the mayor of the Vesuvian city, Giovanni Palomba, engaged for over a month and a half in the activities of the municipal operations center in synergy with the regional civil protection crisis unit and those responsible for the ASL Napoli 3 Sud. it was DLAM, 66 years old. At the same time, Palomba communicated that news had come to Coc of a new positive buffer case among the citizens of Torre del Greco and of two healings of subjects previously found infected by Covid-19. According to the data held by the mayor, the number of currently positive residents rises to 25, of whom ten hospitalized and fifteen in home isolation, while the total number of those declared no longer positive has risen to 45. ” We must stay at home – comments the first citizen – We fight against a sneaky and silent evil that spares no one and gives no possibility of forecasting or control. How often feared, in recent days, despite the comfort of the numbers, it is now a factual truth. This moment of transition towards the so-called phase two represents the most delicate period. In Torre del Greco, in fact, the epidemiological crisis is still underway and no citizen must feel authorized to dismiss, or worse to ignore, the containment and contrast measures envisaged by the Government. I understand the efforts and sacrifices that citizens have been making for almost two months, but we must not relax right now. Careless behaviors risk frustrating the work done and going to the detriment of the community ”.

11:17 – De Magistris makes a special dedication to those who attack Naples

The mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, in front of “those who can’t cope not to speak against Naples and the South” dedicates a famous song by Pino Daniele, Je so crazy, “but in particular I want to dedicate the end to them of that song which is poetry, is land, is our land, my land. With the pride of feeling Italian. ” I’m so crazy, I’m so crazy. Nun nce broken in ‘o c ….!’ is the conclusion of the song. “In these days, in these weeks of pandemic, unfortunately there have been few people, the transmissions, the articles – says de Magistris – who once again pointed alas, alas, the finger against Naples, the Neapolitans, the South with offenses, discrimination, prejudices, qualunquismo “. “Faced with this putrefied oxygen that comes out of the lungs of pseudo-intellectuals, I get an image. I remember – says de Magistris – when I was a teenager, at 13-14 years old, I went to a music shop: in the face of a pseudocultural attack, I answer with culture. I bought a 33 laps of a great Neapolitan poet, without borders, who died a few years ago: Pino Daniele. There were four images of Pino shaving in front of the mirror. All these people who can’t make it just because it is stronger than them not to have it against Naples and our South I dedicate, with the typical affection of the Neapolitans a song, Je so pazzo ‘”but above all the ending with the invitation not to break the boxes.

7:43 – De Luca: “Limiting mobility in one’s own regions”

“I agree with Attilio Fontana that we have to open all over Italy, but opening does not mean opening in the same way. Because there are regions in which there is not even an outbreak of contagion, and regions in which the problem is still strongly present We must at least limit mobility to the regions to which they belong, “said the president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, a guest at Porta a Porta together with the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana. “A few weeks ago there was a serious problem for Campania and the south when tens of thousands of young people poured into our territories. We ran the risk of an epidemic spreading. We didn’t have it because we put quarantine all those we have identified. We have done a very tiring preventive job, which has succeeded. Our problem today is that something like this does not happen. So the ‘break the lines’ meant this: free everyone to go around Italy, everywhere and in any case. This would be an act of total irresponsibility “. “We have made stricter decisions – added De Luca – because Campania is the region with the highest population density in Italy and in the coastal strip it has the largest population density in Europe.
This is the only region where you can’t go wrong. Because if you make a mistake, a massacre comes. We must move towards ordinary life but using reason and not saying banality. Nobody wants to put barriers or friesian horses anywhere. It is simply said that a position of prudence is needed. We begin to thaw the situation but by keeping controls. Those who come here – but this also applies to those who go from Naples to Milan – and go around without any serious reason must be blocked, must be sanctioned, at least for a few weeks “.

7:39 – De Luca: “The banalisation of the epidemic is worrying”

“This is a terrible disease, this virus makes you see death with your eyes. I want to say it because in the last few weeks a trivialization of the problem has grown that seems extremely dangerous to me.” The president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca said this at Porta a Porta. “Probably – he added – the virus has become less aggressive, but we are talking about a problem of enormous gravity and seriousness that must be tackled with great rigor if we want to avoid tragedies for our country”.
“We had a moment of great difficulty – recalled De Luca – when the individual safety devices were missing, the lung fans were missing and nothing came from Rome”.


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