‘Beijing Express 8’, Asia Argento reveals some sensational background on the adventure game and launches a hard attack on production (Video)


The airing of the episodes relating to Beijing Express 8, won this year by the couple formed by the #Collegiali, Nicole Rossi and Jennifer Poni. Originally, among the couples who participated in theadventure game even the one made up of Asia Argento is Real Gemma (# Figlied’Arte). There Silver however because of an injury leg soon had to leave the game and Vera continued the journey with Gennaro Lillio.

During a live broadcast Instagram organized between Asia is Vera the two let themselves go to some confidences and inevitably they also talked about the program. Asia she admitted that she had been physically prepared for the transmission for 5 months, as much as she was excited to embark on the journey, and when unfortunately she suffered a knee injury during a race test none of those present had noticed the damage as she did not show initially his sufferings. The daughter of the well-known film director horror however, she went even more into detail and asserted:

Feel this cruelty, I mean it don’t give a damn. Sue me, they paid me the guaranteed minimum, understand?!. The minimum guaranteed, ok?!. Zero, nothing else. I came home after five days … yes, I felt the pain but I know how to internalize it, I know how to implode the pain. That evening we go home, they made me an anti-Diluvian plaster, I didn’t see such a thing … wet things … it was a plaster from the 80’s, it was badly done and it squeezed my leg. Let’s go back to the hotel, I say “Ah, finally we can have a beer“, They call us because they want to do the pantomime that we won the bonus. They force us while we wanted magnà and drink that it was in our right that we had won that ca ** or what … they send us the cameras and asked us to speak ill of the others, of the #Top, of the things … They had also told me, I I had to hold my leg up by the blood and everything, “sorry can you lower that leg that you see in the frame? …“. And I said there: “Look, you broke me with them“.

And who asked if that wasn’t an accident at work, Asia he specified:

contractually Beijing Express knowing that this is something that has happened, that it can happen and that it happens that one if it breaks through, if it breaks, if it breaks … contractually they don’t owe you anything, ok ?! Nothing. One signing contract I’m saying, “That I hurt myself? I never get hurt …“. And instead I got hurt after five days.

Vera inserting himself in the speech he clarified: “You haven’t seen a lira“. IS Asia has ironized:

I miss you, well, it’s all stopped … we are deaf. They have to pay. Give him deaf … “.

And what do you think of the revelations of Silver?


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