Which factories to close? The union-government confrontation (with the strike risk)


The meeting by videoconference between the secretaries general of the three major trade union confederations – Maurizio Landini, Annamaria Furlan and Carmelo Barbagallo, for CGIL, CISL and UIL – has resumed (after the press conference of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte) with the ministers of the Economic development Stefano Patuanelli and the Economy and Finance Roberto Gualtieri. The meeting aimed at averting the general strike threatened by the three unions to obtain a wider closure of the factories. In practice, the unions ask to shorten the list of ateco codes authorized to produce attached to the decree adopted by the government on Sunday evening. There is the maximum availability from the government to reach a meeting point, the last thing we can afford today, in Italy, a social conflict in an emergency situation, said Deputy Minister of Economy, Antonio Misiani . I hope there will be no strikes whatsoever because the country cannot afford them, said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. For the moment, the strike for tomorrow of the metalworkers and workers in the chemical, textile and plastic rubber sectors in Lombardy and Lazio remains confirmed.

The proposal of CGIL, CISL and UIL: confrontation resumed in the evening

In the first phase of the confrontation – from 12 to 14 – the union presented its proposal to shorten the list of activities that can remain open as essential. Some examples: the union asks to close the call centers, the production of machines not strictly necessary (machines for food, tobacco and agriculture, for example). At the same time, the union asks to add activities not currently understood, such as laundries for hospital centers.

Change of codes in progress

Some companies are changing their Ateco code in order to continue producing. It is not possible to justify them. The first step to get to work on the list of essential activities and on those that can stop for a few days to date. The general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, said during the video conference of the unions with the government, about industrial activity after the last Dpcm.

The union to companies: advance the cash

For CGIL it would be a great sign of responsibility for companies that can, in advance of the ordinary cash and ordinary allowance treatment, immediately guarantee families a continuity of income, even if reduced, so as to face economic difficulties. The INPS – concludes the CGIL – will see its management capacity already strongly requested to face the millions of workers who will receive coverage directly from the Institute.

Abi-trade unions agreement: in the bank plexiglas barriers and entrance by appointment only

After the meeting between ABI and unions, new rules have been defined for the protection of the health of workers in the sector. The most relevant: customer access to the bank only by appointment throughout the national territory. And then: a guarantee of a safety distance of at least one meter in the branches between staff and users, pending the procurement of personal protective equipment, in particular masks. Installation of Plexiglas barriers and commitment to purchase, in the shortest possible time, individual protection devices to be distributed above all to workers and workers in contact with the public, starting from the areas at greatest risk of contagion. These, in summary, the main points of a new agreement, after that of March 16, signed today by the unions Fabi, First Cisl, Fisac ​​Cgil, Uilca and Unisin with the ABI aimed at ensuring the prevention, contrast and containment of the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the banking sector. According to the agreement of this afternoon, reached in a videoconference meeting urged by the trade unions that yesterday announced the mobilization of the category, on April 2 there will be a new meeting to check the implementation of the agreement and in particular the cleaning interventions and sanitization within companies.

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