
In Turin they have succeeded, elsewhere perhaps they will succeed, but they will arrive, as usual afterwards. At Juventus after days of moderate discussion, the solution was found in complete tranquility, with u players willing to accept this reduction which is certainly a sacrifice but also a great help at a time when difficulties for everyone therefore also for. The most virtuous societies such as the striped one.

The help of the senators was fundamental; Chiellini, Bonucci, Buffon but also the support of Cristiano Ronaldo, the highest paid player surely the one who makes the greatest effort within this sacrifice.

However this type of intent demonstrates a great unity of the group, it may seem a due, but not obvious, act, it is an important, symbolic gesture.

A gesture that highlights how in Turin the team, the group is united, beyond what is the chatter in reality. Then the words must also match the facts and in this case the players and the staff gave a great demonstration of what can be done when everyone is rowing on the same side.

In other squares they are trying to copy Juventus once again, at Inter it’s fashionable to do what Juve does, take ex players, ex managers and ex coaches and follow what they do in Turin.

Elsewhere, they still think about starting training this week, but they have not yet found strategies to protect the future from an economic point of view. In Turin they rolled up their sleeves and they talked, everyone took the situation in hand with a clear strategy that is to help themselves.

We will see if other players from other teams will also make the same sacrifice, certainly an important sacrifice that only a group united in Turin does. The group is united and it is healthy. We will see if this is the case elsewhere.

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