The delusion of the sardine: “Coronavirus? Situation similar to fascism”


The sardines they could not keep silence even during the emergency Coronavirus that is overwhelming Italy: after an apparent initial quiet, the anti-right movement has decided to come back into the open in a very delicate moment that our country is experiencing. There are those who even took advantage of the context to try to give historical lessons, making a parallel between the dramatic current situation with the period fascist. Gennaro Spinelli – son of the first rom Commander of the Republic nominated by President Sergio Mattarella – that on the group Sardine Teatine Official thundered: “Do you know anyone who wanted fascism to come back? Well, tell him it was more or less the situation we have today that they complain about“.

The promoter of the Abruzzese sardines and coordinator of the related page Facebook he listed three main differences between today’s circumstances and those of the twenty years: “If you left the house they would not report you but you killing! If you complained, you were arrested and never came back! If you objected you were a subversive and you were killed!“. While today we must consider ourselves lucky as we have”unlimited internet and all amenities“And personal freedom and expression”you stuck it where you wanted because it was worth absolutely nothing. With or without immigrants, with or without Roma, with or without Jews!“. We would have only been”a number like everyone, without freedom but only Duties towards a homeland that does not belong to you“. The little fish finally concluded:”Nice to be a fascist in a free world, isn’t it?“.

“Racism is a virus”

We also told you about slap of sardines towards the victims, relatives of the deceased and workers who are continuing to serve the country despite the emergency period. While Italy is busy trying to eradicate Coronavirus, the movement wanted to shed light on another type of virus: the racism. Italy, Spain, Greece, the UK, France and Poland have been accused of being plagued with one pandemic which changes into different forms: “Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-Gypsyism, machismo and phobia of LGBT people“. A virus that cannot be fought by science and therefore antibodies”we have to be ourselves“. The situation did not allow the minnows to take to the streets, but they immediately went to work to weave.”an important collaboration network with sardines galactic“.


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