Maps and sites: so the shops are equipped for delivery


From portals that offer free advice to create an e-commerce to maps that geolocate services: here are the useful tools for neighborhood shops (and not only) that offer home delivery during the coronavirus emergency

(Photo: Getty Images)

The neighborhood baker who comes with the parade to the house. The greengrocer or the local butcher that they engineer with home delivery. The farmhouses, the newsstands or pharmacies who distribute door to door. The coronavirus marked a surge in demand and in need of delivery. So, alongside the riders of the big portals that follow the iron rules of non-contact and to the endless waiting lists of online shopping of supermarkets taken by storm, even i small traders roll up their sleeves. IS they turn into bellboys, often with great effort, to allow customers to stay safe at home. And together, to try not to stop their work.

To support the efforts of the shops in half of Italy and give visibility to the new deliveries, the web comes to your aid. Many initiatives in this regard have emerged in recent weeks., for example, offers to merchants a help to activate an e-commerce and manage payments. The platform, which is normally paid, until July 31 it is free precisely to support activities during the Covid-19 emergency.

Also TheFork, normally used to reserve a table at the restaurant taking advantage of the many discounts, has converted and allows the locals to report if they do home delivery. That’s enough update the app on your smartphone to discover a section dedicated to those who offer the service. The contact then takes place directly with the restaurant, but TheFork acts as a showcase.

(Photo: Getty Images)

To keep track of the shops, small, medium or large, which are home delivery there are also baby portals like Active throughout Italy, it allows merchants to add their offer (free of charge) and customers to search for home delivery of interest, by area or by type of goods. In Milan the Municipality has activated a special service that collects in a map all the shops in the city that join. One way, we read, to “enhance the neighborhood trade, understood as territorial protection and wealth of the neighborhood “.

Also in Milan, you can consult the maps In your house and that launched by food blogger Lorenzo Biagiarelli. While for the newsagents a national list of those open and those that do home delivery can be found on the website Primaedicola.

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