Juve in destiny and in the future


Paulo Dybala embodies it spirit Juventus. On and off the pitch with that ability to light up the stage with a play and to understand thelove for the jersey who wears in words. The 10 on the shoulders, the technique sublime, that band from captain which at times showed itself on his arm as happened to another for years playmaker which won the hearts of the fans: Alexander Of the Piero. That Pinturicchio with which Joya has always admired and shown to have a clear feeling.

“JUVE ONLY” – “One day my attorney called me saying that in one hour the Juventus sporting director would call me. There I spoke to Fabio, he told me that they wanted to do everything possible to bring me to Turin. When I ended the call I went to hug my mom telling her that I wanted to go there and I didn’t want any other place“. This story to JTv ‘s microphones about a day in that Palermoexplains the value that Juventus had for Dybala, as well as ambition, that in the coming years it has strengthened even more so much to elect the last emotion among the most beautiful: “The last goal with Inter the best moment. Even if it wasn’t good without the fans, however, I celebrated with my teammates because it was an incredible moment and we had a sensational game. ”

REST AND RENEWAL – Just that Inter who wanted him in the Nerazzurri last summer. The diez was one step away from leaving the black and white: the exchange with the Manchester United in the operation Lukaku it was over. His refusal blew the bank and the current season, full of alternations, but full of compliments from the black and white environment and ability to engrave (13 goals and 12 assists in 34 appearances) pushed the CFO Guild to start at enter into the speeches for the renewal of a contract expiring in June 2022 with an increase in the engagement. Juve wants Dybala and Dybala wants Juve: more and more in the name of Del Piero.



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