Downsizing sales in large-scale distribution: all the numbers


Friday 27 March 2020

A real ups and downs for the weekly sales in large-scale distribution. After the slowdown in the stock market race in week 10, compared to the previous one, in 11 another peak for the Consumer Packaged Goods (Lcc), including fruit and vegetables. However, as was presumed, the projection for the week just ended – on a confident, but narrower sample of shops – is that of a normalization of sales, with always positive trends, but more contained by at least 6-8 percentage points and closer to those of weeks 9 and 10.

Let’s see some details. The trend of the total Lcc in the large-scale distribution shows a slowdown between week 9 (+ 16.9%) and week 10 (+ 14.4%). In week 11, on the other hand, overall growth is + 29.2%, therefore a substantially double performance compared to the previous week. The doubled trend, in the last two weeks, is observed in several departments, including: in the Fresh (from + 14.5% to + 30.8%), in Home Care (from + 20.3% to + 40.5%) and also in Fruit and Vegetables, with trend in week 10 of + 11.5%, but which jumped to + 23.6% in week 11. However, the figure for frozen food, the department Cold, is striking: from + 16.9% on week 10, to + 46.5% on week 11, recording the highest growth in Lcc. It is clear how, despite the guarantee of opening by the distribution chains, the lower purchase frequency bring the customer to stock up on the best stockable products, primarily frozen food.

These are the macro evidences of the new Agroter Quik Service, for the weekly analysis of sales and consumption habits on fruit and vegetables, developed by Fruit and Vegetable Monitor in partnership with IRI is Toluna, to give operators the pulse of a market that is difficult to interpret with classical instruments. For more information on the service click here.

But let’s go back to fruit and vegetables. In week 11 there are several surprises:
• All products that can be stored, for basic culinary preparations, such as potatoes, garlic and onion, are on the pedestal of growth (from + 20-30% on week 10 to + 60-80% on week 11);
• follow the product families recognized for their high vitamin C content, such as citrus and kiwi, with trends of + 50% and more on week 11, when in 10 they were still at a good + 20-30%;
• Even the apples they doubled their performance compared to the previous week (+ 43% compared to + 20%);
• finally, the service products such as IV and V Gamma, still struggling. Although there is a slowdown in the loss for the IV Vegetable Range and a slight but still positive trend, and slightly growing, for the V Vegetable Range.

To take a look at other categories, it is interesting to note:
• In Grocery shop, the leap of all tomato-based products (from + 20-30% to + 80%), thanks to the trend of homemade preparations (pizza in the first place), combined with the peak reached by dried legumes, + 130%, even greater than the two weeks before (+ 100%);
• in Fresh, the sharp increase in chicken eggs, pizzas and parmesan (always in the logic of the preparations);
• in Cold the leap – again – of frozen pizzas.

Copyright 2020 Italiafruit News

Alfonso Bendi

Alfonso Bendi

Senior Marketing Specialist

[email protected]


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