Coronavirus, Nicole Perronet’s medical degree from her living room


“When I learned that my graduation would probably take place online, I was celebrating after printing my thesis,” he says Nicole Perronet, since yesterday doctor of medicine and surgery after a very special ceremony. Due to the Covid-19 emergency, Nicole and many other graduating students feared that their graduation was postponed: “Many of my classmates who graduated with me today had to finish their last exam, but it had been canceled and they didn’t know how. We also created a Whatsapp group of all Molinette undergraduates in which we discussed the news, until they told us that they had activated the degree sessions via Webex, a kind of Skype“.

So, after having started organizing lunch and graduation party in Turin in vain, Nicole had to give up the classic ceremony in front of the public: he would discuss his thesis in his drawing room in Arnad, before a virtual commission. Thanks to her computer expert dad, Nicole still managed to feel very close to her relatives and friends, who were connected from home on another line to follow the degree live: “I connected with them first and it was really like if they were all there with me. Then I said goodbye and they remained silent to listen to me speak in front of the computer where I showed the teachers the slides of my presentation “.

If on the one hand Nicole is sorry for her grandparents who, having no internet, have not been able to follow their degree, although living in Arnad, on the other hand she is happy that his brother Marco, who works at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, was also able to participate in the live broadcast like everyone else.

I was also pleasantly surprised by Nicole doctors from the pathological anatomy department of the Parini Hospital in Aosta: “I had sent the invitation but I didn’t know if they would find time to connect. At one point I saw people with masks appear and I was very happy: thank you very much Roberta Patetta, Ubaldo Family and all the other doctors and technicians in the department, who followed me during my research and with whom I also established a nice bond of friendship “. Nicole, after university studies in Turin, was in fact the first undergraduate to write the thesis by attending the Parini of Aosta in the Pathological Anatomy department, where he collected slides of only Valle d’Aosta patients for two years for his studies on colon polyps.

Even the relationship with his Turin speaker Paola Cassoni it became more confidential thanks to the closeness created in the video calls of the past few days: “Until I knew for sure that I would graduate anyway, I did not prepare the speech. Then the teacher and I did virtual tests of my presentation on Skype. ”

While Nicole was preparing for graduation, the government made a decision that also concerned her: doctors are now qualified with only the academic qualification and without the state exam, which Nicole was supposed to support in July. “For some time it was discussed because it was a rather useless cross-examination, moreover with often dated questions. It is bad to say but there was a need for a pandemic to eliminate it. ” In any case, three more months of post-graduate internship await Nicole when the emergency ends: “For now #iorestoacasa, I will watch TV series and try to better understand which specialization I want to do. Maybe I’ll make some virtual toasts, instead the celebrations are postponed, I hope as soon as possible. “


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