Check the prices of fruit and vegetables, even higher than 100% fennel and green beans


Agri-food products on sale with large-scale retail distribution but also in fruit and vegetable stores are under the lens. The price control operation initiated by the President of the Sicilian Region Nello Musumeci and conducted by the Operational Unit of the Forestry Corps led by the commander Luca Ferlito has started between Palermo and Monreale. The first checks carried out involved several points: the increases found on the fruit were very slight while, as regards vegetables (in particular fennel, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans and zucchini) the prices in some cases were even more than 100% higher.

“For sellers, who have declared that they comply with the provisions of the platforms from which they receive the goods – explains President Musumeci – so far there has only been a verbal warning, making common sense prevail which in these days must represent a general rule Now, however, we will go back to the suppliers with targeted checks. As I am told, the people who crowded the stores have shown that they appreciate the presence of our agents and their assessments. We will continue to protect the consumer to whom, however, we reiterate that there is no need to make exaggerated supplies because the distribution of food will not slow down “.

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The Palermo Consumer Union has also dealt with the problem: “It seems that some operators, taking advantage of the increase in the demand for food to deal with the emergency from Covid-19, are applying an arbitrary increase in the prices of essential products for daily sustenance. In a historical moment of great restrictions on the personal and economic front, it is impossible not to stigmatize conduct without any ethical foundation. Our union – adds the secretary of the UGL of Palermo, Franco Fasola – will not tolerate any unjustified speculation to the detriment of families already tried by the tragic events of these days, to which will be added shortly the uncertainty of the workplace “.


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