Following reports by the Prime Minister and the President, N12 today learned of another senior who ignored the Ministry of Health’s instructions for the Seder. Israeli House Speaker and former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman hosted his son on the night of the Seder despite the prohibition – and refused to address the matter in a timely manner when asked to comment.
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Lieberman refused to address N12 directly why he violated the directive and instead chose to attack those who followed the directives – Prime Minister and Minister of Health: “On the other hand, it is a scandal. The clear conclusion from the Balfour Seder is that Netanyahu himself does not believe in the methods he uses.”
In a post Lieberman posted on the holiday evening alongside a picture of him and his wife, he wrote: “This year’s Freedom Holiday is much different from previous years. In the Haggadah, which we all call tonight, we are told about the hardships and suffering that Israel has gone through with slavery for freedom. Difficulties and get out of strength. The current crisis will also be strengthened more, because we are a strong nation and the State of Israel is one of the most advanced countries in the world.
Finally, Lieberman added: “We will soon be able to celebrate again with our extended family and friends. Merry Christmas!”, As he is hosting his son and daughter-in-law on the eve of the holiday.

Olivia Pitosi, Flash 90
On the eve of Seder, Prime Minister Netanyahu also hosted his son Avner at the Prime Minister’s Office – and criticized it. Netanyahu claimed in response that his son Avner lives in a nearby apartment in the opposite building and inside the secure complex.

Avi Dishi, Flash 90
Later it became clear that President Rivlin had also hosted his house at a banquet. Rivlin responded apologetically, “I read the harsh responses and I understand most of them. Since then, comforting my children has helped me a lot in my personal affairs.”