foreign currency exchange rates increased in the direction of how to meet the needs of the agenda of Turkey is an important market. IMF’s corona virus help to join the pack to apply for government US Federal Reserve swap line, and he wants to meet here to exchange needs, but the Fed has not yet included in the swap line which Turkey receives dollars in appropriate circumstances.
While talks with the Fed were also confirmed by official dialects, Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said that meeting with the IMF was not on the table at a television program he attended over the weekend. The IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva said in a statement last week, including Turkey, they are in constructive negotiations with our partners, ‘he said.
For Moody’s affirmed Turkey B1 / negative with credit rating to, BA1 the economic flexibility increased external vulnerabilities and policy with a large and diversified economy of views on the notes effectiveness between corporate power in the duration of the erosion was reported that reflects the balance.
Hammock to move ahead of exchange rate
The Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) has decided to redefine the limit set as 10 percent of the shareholders’ equity for transactions to be carried out with banks residing abroad with TL in the future. Experts state that the aim is to prevent exchange rate volatility by limiting foreign borrowers’ ability to borrow TL.
On the other hand, the group known as OPEC + will reduce the daily crude oil production by 10 million barrels from May 1 to June 30. Thus, the biggest production cut in the history of OPEC was made. Due to the price dispute between Saudi Arabia and Russia, oil prices had seen historical bottom levels. current production reduction agreement between the OPEC countries would mean a rise in energy costs in Turkey. So within a month, the hike for gas appears at the door.