Furious Deacon: “Cellino besides braying, kicking”


Here is the answer from Arturo Diaconale, Lazio spokesman, in Cellino who attacked the Biancoceleste president: “Does Lotito want to go back to playing? Donkey bray does not reach Heaven, it is said: I only listen to those who are worthy of being listened to” said the president of Brescia. Diaconal’s reply has arrived: “Definitely amazing, in the sense that arouse amazement for their unjustified gravity, the statements made by the president of Brescia, Massimo Cellino, in an interview with the newspaper of his city, in which he attacked Claudio Lotito, who in his opinion would not represent Lazio given that the “club is only the President of the Management Committee” and with which he does not even want to talk since “I listen only to those who are worthy of being listened to.” “Donkey bray – he said verbally – does not reach Heaven” .

Cellino attacks Lotito: “Donkey bray …”

Lazio, Diaconal responds to Cellino

“Unfortunately for him, however, the donkey bray that cannot reach Heaven seems to be his own. Not only because it ignores the dual corporate management system and does not take into account that SS Lazio is a listed company and that the majority of his shareholding is held by President Lotito. But above all because if in addition to braying he also kicks violently and uncoordinated, he proves to be himself a licensed donkey who has difficulty discussing in a civil and composed way at a time when the seriousness of the crisis would require more measured and responsible behavior “.

Lazio, Diaconal: “Cellino is afraid”

“Of course we understand why Cellino is so irritated and nervous in insisting on his request to block the championship and crystallize the classification avoiding the hypothesis of the fall in Serie B for his team. But to avoid such an event (of which Cellino says not to be frightened as he is certain of an immediate return of his team in the upper series) it is really necessary to bray and kick in such a disorganized way as to make it all too evident that for him Lotito is only a pretext to hide the fear of having to fold the head to the law of sport, the one according to which the valid results are those expressed by the field and not by the interviews? “.

Lazio, Diaconale’s new criticism of Juventus


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