Coronavirus in the world, USA first country hit: more victims than in Italy. Mayor of New York wants to close schools until September
“It seems obvious to me that in many ways we haven’t done enough,” Premier Löfven said on public television Svt, adding: “This is why we have adopted a national security strategy that has to do with everything from water supply to computer security”.Empty words in the eyes of the world, and the political and cultural structural crisis of the Swedish model for decades, an example of maximum welfare and an economy that is both supercompetitive and always supportive. Because beyond the words of Löfven, the fact remains that the law required by the Constitution to grant the Executive exceptional powers and to impose a lockdown with restaurants, bars and every public place closed and strict limits on street traffic and use of the underground, buses, trams, trains, internal flights had been promised by the government ten days ago with the stated objective of wanting it approved by the Riksdag, the unicameral Parliament, by April 10, and the following day we are still in fact.
And in Sweden restaurants bars night clubs and sports facilities remain open as before, as if nothing had happened. The Stockholm nightlife goes to death like the knight played by Max von Sidow in the “Seventh seal”, the memorable film by Ingmar Bergman.
“We have also started working on a strategy that affects the national structure and our defense,” continued the Social Democratic Prime Minister. But then he defended the substantive laissez-faire policy adopted so far: “I am delighted that we can rely on the great sense of responsibility of our citizens”. Words denied by the figures: in Sweden, the only Nordic state that has not adopted rigorous lockdowns and restrictive measures unlike Iceland, Norway, Finland and Denmark, the infections rose in a few days to 10151 out of ten million inhabitants and deaths to 887. Norway, Denmark and Finland reacted by blocking the borders with Sweden. For the first time in history, the five-way agreement in the Nordic community is one step away from breaking.
Against this background comes the alarming press release from the Karolinska Institutet. “If the intensive care places are scarce, it will be necessary to exclude people from 80 years of age and those between the ages of sixty and seventy already affected by various previous pathologies”, and furthermore: “if a person is affected from Covid 19 the decision on hospitalization and care must be based not only on the age but also on the biological age “.
The partial privatization of healthcare decided to restore sovereign accounts has led Sweden to a situation in which the number of emergency therapy beds is a total of just 300, of which only 79 are still available after the start of the pandemic. According to calculations by the statistical authorities of the European Union, in a more industrial country, an exporter and wealthier per capita than Germany itself, the minimum per capita number of emergency therapy places in the entire European Union is found.