Posted on: 07/04/2020 07:51
The Australian High Court has Cardinal George Pell acquitted of allegations of pedophilia, charges for which he had been sentenced to six years in prison. In a first comment after the sentence, the former Vatican treasurer commented that “a serious injustice has been corrected”.
The High Court therefore has overturned the six-year sentence of the Court of Appeal issued in August last year confirming the decision of the Melbourne Tribunal of December 2018. The 78-year-old cardinal, who has always declared himself innocent, returned to freedom, left Barwon prison to go to a religious institute in Melbourne, reports Vatican news.
The seven Australian High Court judges unanimously decided the verdict based on the fact that there is a reasonable possibility that the crime did not occur and therefore there is a significant possibility that an innocent person may be sentenced.
Cardinal Pell, after the decision of the High Court, reiterated that he had “constantly supported” his innocence and that the injustice he received has now been healed. Addressing the person who accused him of a fact that occurred in the 1990s, an altar boy from Melbourne Cathedral at the time, the cardinal said he did not feel resentment. “The basis of long-term healing – he said – is the truth and the only basis of justice is the truth, because justice means truth for all”. The cardinal thanked the lawyers and all those who prayed for him and helped and comforted him in this difficult time.
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