Coronavirus: nothing like before, it will change our life – Economy


The only certainty is an admission of uncertainty: “Everything will never be the same again”. A perspective that in these weeks of quarantine and statistical data puts everyone in agreement: political leaders and speculators, sociologists and influencers, showbiz stars and students, entrepreneurs and housewives. “No longer as before”. The same mistrustful concept that inaugurated historical phases such as the post-war period, post September 11th or the advent of the euro, but which applied to everyday life forces us to change the future. We will have to get used to exchanging time in exchange for security, putting the mistrust-distance combination before post-globalization habits, living with masks and gloves.

The following is the profile of life at the time of the virus.

– HOME: We have been there a lot and some habits will remain. Having to be wary of the lift, in which it is difficult to keep your distance, the rediscovery of the stairs will continue (at least up to the practicable floors), also useful for physical exercise. To guarantee the safety of the domestic environment, the “Japanese” habit of abandoning shoes at the entrance has now become widespread. Masks, gloves and detergent will be the new obligatory accessories that will accompany your keys and wallet

– CHECKS: After defending it through gritted teeth we will be forced to yield in terms of privacy. Tracking by apps to locate gatherings or contacts with infected people is a matter of days, but the future has no limits. Apps could go so far as to identify risky behaviors or dangerous symptoms, to signal waiting times for public transport and for entering supermarkets. Based on the virtuous data collected, the apps may be given the last word for entry into meeting places

– WORK AND SMART WORKING: There is no going back, or rather just a little. Home work is spreading forcefully in the world of business and public administration. Once the quarantine is over, you will return to the factory and offices, but some activities will remain efficient even for “householders”. An advantage for many families. A risk for many precarious situations that could be even more marginalized

– TRADE: The coronavirus has flown online and the trend will further strengthen. The new segments of the population who have become accustomed during the quarantine to make purchases at a distance will force even medium-sized shops and stores to become home distribution centers for orders placed from catalogs.

– PUBLIC TRANSPORT: After years of promotional campaigns to discourage the use of the car, buses, subways and trains are now the new “enemies”. To bring commuters and users closer together, the management companies are studying new operational plans, with spaces delimited for waiting and “limited number” runs so as to guarantee distances. The increase in waiting times and the necessary amount of patience to face them are inevitable. Metro and railway stations have the problem of common spaces to manage: we will have to get used to spacing routes and controls. The means of transport will be cleaned and disinfected after each ride.

– AIRPLANE TRANSPORT: One of the sectors most revolutionized. After decades of low-cost expansions, tariff reductions and similar contractions of the spaces between the seats, the companies will have to redesign the procedures: thermal scanners on boarding, gloves and masks for passengers, boarding with “fingers” only, quoted seats and assigned to adequate distance, frequent sanitation of toilets, strictly sealed meals, cleaning and sterilization of the rooms at the end of the flight. For the transit halls of the airports, the considerations of the stations apply. The thick snakes drawn by the “tape tightener” columns will belong to the past

– SCHOOL: Schools and universities will have to regroup: distances, good practices and disinfectants, greater use of technology, with online courses and lessons. The universities in particular will adopt the closed number for those who want to follow the lesson from the classroom, setting up listening rooms or remote access for others. Fragmented tests on multiple dates, to manage small groups, limiting the writings to the strict minimum

– RESTAURANTS: The number of customers who access it will be limited, with a distance of over two meters between the tables and waiters in gloves and masks. Reservations will become the norm and the lines to enter must be spaced. For restaurateurs it is reasonable to take into account a reduction in seats, less marked for those who have outdoor spaces. To partially recover the damage those who during the epidemic pushed home deliveries could structure this service. Changes also in the organization of work in the kitchen to ensure safety for workers and contagion-proof dishes for customers. The dark kitchens will increase, those kitchens open only for home delivery.

– GYMS AND SPORTS: The large companies will equip themselves with itineraries by reservation built on the use of ad personam machines and sanitization at the end of the shift. But the new situation will push us to focus more on online courses with personal trainers on videos that guide lessons and exercises at home. Temporary purchases and rents of tools and instruments will increase. Difficult to hypothesize developments for amateur contact sports such as football and basketball.

– CINEMA, THEATERS, CONCERTS, DISCOTECHE: Seats could be assigned with reservations, limited number of spectators, less expansive behaviors. Filtered paths

– WASTE: The Greta revolution had to take the hit. If it is true that lockdowns and world quarantines have zeroed or almost zero pollution levels, masks, gloves and disposable packs are not easy to dispose of.


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