Chef Rubio is very active on Twitter. Between articles, documents and personal opinions, Gabriele Rubini he is often at the center of current affairs because of heated quarrels with politicians in our country. The attack this time is for Matteo Salvini (who however has not yet responded). Rubio retweets a very popular user (from the name parody), Jean – Jaques Snored. This is the tweet: “‘We open the churches for Easter ’asks a pluri-divorced, use to rub drunk to the cubists, frequent of ultra drug dealers, hater of poor and weak, worshiper of weapons, violent of words and thoughts, blasphemous exploiter of Madonnas and rosari “and the chef adds:”Dear my coglionazzi @matteosalvinimi, Jean has practically summarized your existence in 240 characters. Sure, he omitted some vice, but otherwise I would say that we are there“. And again, Rubio asks Salvini: “But are you more for the seven-armed candelabrum or for the sacred heart of Mary? You look confused @matteosalvinimi as well as intrippatoh. Make up your mind “. Then post a video from Youtube commenting: “Guys oh take it easy PORCO * IO” Cit. @matteosalvinimi, minute 1, second 41. These are the prophetic words of captain frappa, when he still did not believe in the “virgin” Maria and in the goods. How people change in 7 years “.
Dear my coglionazzi @matteosalvinimi, Jean @ janavel7 has practically summarized your existence in 240 characters. Sure, he omitted some vice, but otherwise I would say that we are there ???????????? #noneladurso #ElizabethII # Covid_19 #coronavirus #coronvirusitalia # COVID19
– Chef Rubio (@rubio_chef) April 6, 2020
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