(ANSA) – ROME, APRIL 7 – The Italian economy will need two
years to return to the estimated GDP levels until January
last, that is at the pre-Coronavirus levels. This is what the
focus of Censis and Confcooperative, “The epochal shock: businesses and
I am working on the test of the lockdown economy “, considering one
business closes until May, with a return to
normal within the next two months. Making a guess of
impact on turnover in 2021, the scenario is attributable to the shock
Covid-19 “a lack of value production by the
businesses exceeding 270 billion “.
“The Italian economy nails”, comments the president of
Confcooperative, Maurizio Gardini, stressing for this
the urgency of “extraordinary measures”, starting with liquidity
“immediate” for all businesses. The focus also indicates that little
more than half of the enterprises and its workers did not
stop: “Somehow phase 2 starts from here, but it goes
fueled with courage and determination “, underlines Gardini.