the report cards. Beans light up, Anzolin and Gozzi close everything


Israel 6.5 – He is put under pressure on one big occasion where he responds with a flicker of his by removing a very dangerous header with a flick. He can’t do anything about Kukovec’s goal.

Leo 6 – More stuck than usual, he prefers to offer more coverage rather than releasing forward. Diligent, he does his (68 ‘Ntenda 6 – Add leg on the band).

Dragusin 6 – A little amused, in the first half he gives too many balls to opponents in the dangerous area. Better in the second half when it turns off a couple of alarms.

Goiters 7 – On the piece. And when it is concentrated it becomes a very hard bone for opponents who struggle to slip away.

Anzolin 7 – It starts off very strong, closing every passage to the purple exteriors that gravitate to its area. It continues on the same false line never leaving a crack.

Ahamada 7 – Unlock the match with a conclusion that, thanks to a detour, becomes impregnable for the opposing goalkeeper and puts the race downhill. Perfect movement, as well as most of those who raise it among the best in the challenge.

Beans 7 – He always puts himself in the best position to receive the ball from his teammates and give support. He also recovered several balls as on the occasion of the black and white advantage when he snatched possession from his opponents and then ingested Ahamada in a brilliant way.

Frogs 6 – He does so much dark work that his companions need to do their best. It is seen less forward but still makes its presence felt (81 ’Sene S.V.).

Tongya 6 – A little in the shade, offensively speaking, he cannot free himself from the pressure of home medians. On a defensive level it does a great job obscuring the vertical lines of passage to the opponents.

Da Graca 6 – For the first time this season he shares the role of first striker with another 9. Cohabitation needs to be refined, they have a chance to do badly but find the answer of the opposing goalkeeper.

Petrelli 6 – It slams dividends across the attack front with the teammate in the movements. He has only one opportunity available, difficult, which he cannot convert to the network (68 ‘ Moreno 6 – It gives liveliness to the offensive department by adding its accelerations. It does not find only the decisive one).

Att. Zauli 6.5 – It was important to start setting up the transition to the semifinals. Fiorentina is a dangerous team, but they respond blow by blow, not even suffering from the theater of the Franks.


Fiorentina (4-3-3): Brancolini 6; Pierozzi E. 6, Dutu 6.5, Dalle Mura 6, Ponsi 6; Beloko 6, Fiorini 6.5, Lovisa 5.5 (72 ‘Spalluto 6); Fruk 6.5 (72 ‘Pierozzi N. 5.5), Koffi 6.5, Kukovec 7 (90’ Agostinelli S.V.). All. Bigica 6.5.



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