Coronavirus, Virus, decree to prevent exits from areas of outbreak. Stop school trips and A competitions in Lombardy and Veneto. 76 infections, two died. To identify the “patient zero”


Almost 80 infections, two victims, two main outbreaks in Lombardy and in Veneto. On the second day of the emergency of coronavirus is that of the extension of the crisis to the whole of the Center-North which prompted the government to an extraordinary and urgent council of ministers during which a law decree with which it will prevent people who are in the outbreak areas in Lombardy is Veneto to get away. “The purpose – explained the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte – is to protect the good of health Italians”. Among the various initiatives that the executive took the suspension of all sporting and public events in general (as well as the religious ones) in the two Regions – among these the Serie A matches like Inter-Sampdoria is Verona-Cagliari – and the suspension of school trips on the whole national territory.

Saturday was the first two victims, a retired bricklayer from 78 years old del Padovano and one 77-year old of Casalpusterlengo (Lodi), and the explosion of number of infections, with a first case of positivity a turin and two a Milan, although one is doubtful why it could be a false positive. The cases in all rose to 76: 54 in Lombardy, 17 in Veneto, 2 in Emilia Romagna and one in Piedmont. To these must be added the two Chinese tourists hospitalized in Spallanzani and the Italian researcher who returned from Wuhan who just today was discharged from the same Roman hospital.

The government decree – “In order to avoid the spread of epidemics, in municipalities or areas where it is positive at least one person for which the source of transmission is unknown or in which there is a case not attributable to a person from an area already affected by the virus infection, the competent authorities are required to adopt every containment measure adequate and proportional to the evolution of the epidemiological situation “. This is what we read in decree launched since cabinet and containing the measures that can be taken to deal with the Coronavirus emergency.
Here is the provision of the provision:
QUARANTINE WITH ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE (among individuals who have had close contacts with confirmed cases)

The victims – There are two coronavirus victims in Italy: after the death of Adriano Trevisan, a 78-year-old retired bricklayer who died at 22.45 on Friday 21 February in the hospital of Schiavonia, in the province of Padua, the second victim is a 77 year old from Casalpusterlengo: she lived alone and according to what emerges she would not have known that she was ill and died at home. The swab was made after his death on February 20. At the moment, however, it is not clear whether coronavirus is the cause of death, given that the woman died of a heart attack. The old woman was the mother of a friend of 38 years old from Codogno, first infected in Lombardy.

Two cases in Milan, one doubt. A positive in Turin – The Turin patient is a 40 year old who works in Cesano Boscone (Milan). He is hospitalized Amedeo di Savoia and, said the regional health councilor, Luigi Icardi, “Got sick after coming into contact with the Lombard stock“. In particular, “he had contact with a family member of an infected person in Lombardy”. He currently has a little fever but is in good health. The family members of the man, who works in Cesano Boscone, are under observation: the wife and i two kids. But his teammates were also invited to stay at home: he had played on Wednesday basketball.

A 70 year old from Mediglia, a town south of Milan, is the first certain case of contagion in the capital. He was hospitalized in Melegnano and has now been transferred to San Matteo di Pavia, as he explained to La Presse the Councilor for Welfare Giulio Gallera. All ‘San Raffaele hospital instead a hospital is admitted 78 year-old resident in Sesto San Giovanni. Today it turned out positive to a test performed at Spallanzani in Rome, after having been previously negative to two swabs performed in Lombardy. Consequently it could be a false positive. It is located by a week at San Raffaele, where there are about 1500 patients and they work at least 3500 people. As a precaution “reconstructions are underway to understand what contacts he had,” explained the mayor of Sesto, Roberto Di Stefano. We are currently trying to understand how humans could have contracted the virus, if in the hospital or in the days prior to hospitalization.

The ‘zero’ patient to find – Meanwhile, continue the mapping of contagion: the manager returned from China on January 21st who went to dinner with the 38 year old from Codogno, the first infected in Lombardy, cannot be the patient zero. It cannot be he who brought the virus to Italy because he doesn’t have it never had: “From the tests carried out – said the deputy minister of health Pierpaolo Sileri – it emerged that he did not develop the antibodies“.

Among the measures already taken there is also that of Venetian and Lombard universities which will remain closed for a week, at least until March 2. The President of the Republic also spoke on the day Sergio Mattarella who asked “sense of responsibility is commitment units“, Stressing that” the health system is able to react with effectiveness“. dall ‘EU the willingness to “give support“And an applause to the” Italian authorities for their quick action“.

The ‘patient one’ – Stay in reserved prognosis but in stable conditions the 38 year old from Codogno, the so-called “patient one”Who also passed on the disease to his 8-month pregnant wife. It was suspected that at the origin of his infection there were the contacts he had between 1 and 8 February with a friend of his (who works at But it is of Fiorenzuola d’Arda, in the province of Piacenza) returned from Shanghai January 21. But tests showed that the manager did not never had the virus, not even in the asymptomatic form. The 38 year old also infected a sports partner, 5 health workers, 3 hospitalized patients in Codogno and 3 bar goers a Castiglione d’Adda of the father of the runner friend. According to what he writes The citizen, the 38 year old from intensive care a Codogno was transferred to San Matteo in Pavia. Ten municipalities of the Lodi they are isolated (for a total of about 50 thousand people) and 250 people who have had contact with the infected are in quarantine.


21.48 – Man from Mediglia is hospitalized at the San Matteo hospital in Pavia
A man of about seventy years of age from Mediglia, in the Milanese area tested positive for the coronavirus test, was hospitalized at the San Matteo hospital in Pavia “. The Lombardy Region Councilor for Health, Giulio Gallera, gave the news to LaPresse.

21.30 – Access to the hospitals of Padova Sud is prohibited
“Access to the hospital is temporarily prohibited and all scheduled activities are strictly suspended (surgical activity, donation, withdrawals, outpatient activities)”. This is the order issued by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in agreement with the President of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia for the “Ospedali Riuniti Padova Sud”.

21.13 – San Raffaele case: tests still not certain
Regarding the case of Milan, of the man hospitalized at San Raffaele, there are still ongoing trials on biological samples. The first tests, according to what is learned, did not give unequivocal feedback.

21.01 – The Lombard universities closed until March 2nd
Lombardy universities close, at least until March 2. This was decided by the Conference of Rectors of the Lombard Universities, following the extraordinary session of the Council of Ministers on measures against the Coronavirus epidemic. “In the days from Monday 24 February to Saturday 29 February, teaching activities (lessons, exams and degrees) will be suspended”, explains a note by Professor Remo Morzenti Pellegrini, rector of the University of Bergamo. “In the absence of different indications from the authorities, all activities will be able to resume on Monday 2 March. Graduation sessions and exams will be postponed according to calendars that will be prepared by the individual offices “.

20.48 – Cdm works on a decree with special measures
The government is working on a law decree with a series of special measures to contain the spread of Coronavirus. According to what ANSA learns, the CDM is hypothesizing a series of measures that would allow intervening on different aspects: from the closure of schools to the suspension of events and work activities up to the possibility – which is still being discussed – to use, in case of necessity, police and military forces to enforce the prescriptions.

20.47 – Second case in Milan, in Mediglia (south of the capital)
There is a second coronavirus positive person in Milan. It is an inhabitant of Mediglia, south of the capital, who was hospitalized in the Melegnano hospital and who would now have been transferred to Sacco. Already yesterday the mayor of Mediglia had ordered the cancellation of the aggregation events.

20.43 – Access to the Schiavonia hospital is prohibited
Access to Schiavonia hospital is prohibited, where the two cases of Coronavirus Covid19 infection in hospitalized patients were ascertained yesterday. This was established by the order issued today by Minister Roberto Speranza, in concert with the President of Veneto Luca Zaia. All scheduled activity is “strictly suspended”, and all staff in service will have to measure the temperature, evaluate any symptoms present, make the swab and wait for the result (about three hours).

20.37 – Cautionary measures in Mira (Venice)
The Ministry of Health indicates cautionary measures for the population of the Municipality of Mira (Venice), where the third outbreak of Coronavirus in the Veneto occurred. All subjects who have mild respiratory symptoms – it is written in the ordinance – must remain at home and contact their doctor, who will evaluate the clinical situation and the therapeutic measures to be taken. Hygienic measures for respiratory diseases are recommended for all asymptomatic subjects.

20.31 – Confirmed suspension of public activities in Vò Euganeo
The suspensions of public events, school and work activities in the Municipality of Vò Euganeo (Padua) are confirmed after the two cases of Coronavirus “which occurred in a restricted community and the subsequent positivity found in contacts”. This was confirmed by the order issued today by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in agreement with the President of Veneto Luca Zaia.

20.05 – The Sesto patient had been at San Raffaele for a week
The Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) patient who contracted Coronavirus is a 78-year-old man and has been hospitalized in the San Raffaele hospital for about a week. This is what Adnkronos learns. At the moment we are trying to understand how humans were able to contract the virus, whether in the hospital or in the days prior to hospitalization.

19.57 – The 40-year-old from Turin played basketball on Wednesday
The wife and two children of the 40-year-old hospitalized at the Amedeo di Savoia hospital in Turin suffering from coronavirus are under observation. “The patient experienced the first symptoms on Thursday evening. He had a slight cough, “explains Giovanni di Perri, director of the infectious disease clinic of the epidemiological center. “The man played basketball on Wednesday and therefore we advised all team members who came into contact with him to stay home.” Doctors are also visiting team players to perform diagnostic swabs that will determine whether or not the infection has occurred.

19.43 – The manager who returned from China has never had a virus: he is not the ‘zero patient’
The alleged ‘zero patient’, the friend of the 38-year-old from Codogno who had dined with him after returning from China, never had the coronavirus. Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri told reporters. “From the tests carried out – he said – it emerged that he did not develop antibodies”. The man had already tested negative for the first coronavirus test. Therefore, the spread of the virus in the Lodi area did not start with him.

19.30 – EU: “Italian authorities well for their rapid action”
“We are following the situation in Italy closely and would like to send my deepest condolences to the families and friends for the loss” of their loved ones. So the EU Commissioner for Health, Stella Kyriakides. “I am in regular contact with Minister Speranza and I have been informed that the necessary measures have been taken to trace and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus and I would like to praise the Italian authorities for their rapid action and transparent communication,” adds the Commissioner .

19.26 – Mayor Sesto San Giovanni: “We are rebuilding 78 year old contacts”
“Reconstructions are underway to understand what contacts humans have had in the last period, trying to establish whether they have had contacts with those infected with the Lodi outbreak.” Roberto Di Stefano, mayor of Sesto San Giovanni, writes that one resident “hospitalized for a week at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan, tested positive for the coronavirus”.

7.15 pm – The infected in Milan is a 78 year old, at San Raffaele for 5 days
The 78-year-old man from Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) tested positive for Coronavirus. The man was reportedly hospitalized in San Raffaele hospital for five days.

19.11 – Council of Ministers on coronavirus started
The Coronavirus Cdm has started at the headquarters of the Civil Protection Committee. In addition to Conte and Fraccaro, the ministers were present: Speranza, Di Maio, De Micheli, Boccia, Lamorgese, Franceschini, Bonetti, Spadafora, Provenzano, Amendola, Catalfo. The rest of the ministers connected by video conference, Minister Roberto from the G20 in Riad.

19.03 – First case in Milan: man residing in Sesto San Giovanni
First case of coronavirus in Milan. According to what the Lombardy Region reports, it is a person “residing in Sesto San Giovanni”, at the gates of the city, and is “currently hospitalized at the San Raffaele Hospital”.

18.55 – The number of people infected in Lombardy rises to 46
46 people tested positive for coronavirus in Lombardy. This was announced by the president of the Lombardy region, Attilio Fontana, who is presiding, together with the Councilor for Welfare, Giulio Gallera, the Crisis Unit and who, in the morning, attended a video conference summit with the Prime Minister , Giuseppe Conte. The calculation of the 46 infected persons also includes the 76-year-old woman who died at her home in Casalpusterlengo (Lodi) and who was subjected to a post-mortem swab.

18.49 – Sala: “We advise Milanese to reduce sociality”
“We advise the Milanese not to stay at home, but as far as possible to reduce sociality and to have hygiene rules that are those indicated by the ministry”. So the mayor of Milan, Beppe Sala, at the end of the summit in the prefecture.

18.44 – Iuss Pavia academic year inauguration postponed
Among the numerous events postponed to Pavia as a result of the health alarm linked to the coronavirus emergency, there is also the inauguration ceremony for the 2019-2020 academic year of the Iuss of Pavia (the school of postgraduate studies). The appointment was scheduled for Tuesday 25 February at the Fraschini Theater: Gateano Manfredi, Minister of University and Research, should also have intervened.

18.33 – Sardinia, five doctors in quarantine
Five Sardinian doctors – one serving the University Hospital of Sassari, two at the Santissima Annunziata hospital in Sassari, one at the Sassari Assl and one in Oristano – were temporarily suspended from work and invited to voluntary quarantine by the managers of the respective departments because in recent days they returned to Sardinia with a flight from Singapore, after a cruise in the Asian seas. The doctors involved, who had already gone to work in recent days, received a telephone notification this morning, with which they were told to stay at home.

18.25 – Turin, the infected 40-year-old works in Cesano Boscone
The 40-year-old from Turin tested positive (first case in Piedmont) for Coronavirus works in Cesano Boscone, a town near Milan, and is a colleague of two people who are currently hospitalized in Lombardy. This is what leaked today on the sidelines of the meeting, in Turin, in the operational room of the Civil Protection, where a crisis unit was activated. The 40-year-old is married and has two children, aged 8 and 10. To reach the workplace, according to what was communicated, he used the train on numerous occasions.

18.22 – Third case in the Cremonese area
This is an elderly resident of Soresina, hospitalized for a few days in the Crema hospital. The methods of contagion are still unknown. Direct contact identification procedures have already been activated.

18.08 – Stop service for prison officers in the affected areas
Exemption from the service, up to new provisions, for “all penitentiary operators resident or in any case residing in the Municipalities of Codogno, Castiglione d’Adda, Casalpusterlengo, Fombio, Maleo, Somaglia, Bertonico, Terranova dei Passerini, Castelgerundo and San Fiorano”. The Department of Prison Administration ordered it, following the Coronavirus emergency.
Prohibition of access to penitentiary institutes also for external staff, teachers, volunteers and relatives of prisoners who come from those Municipalities. Also suspended, with immediate effect and until further notice, “translations of prisoners to and from penitentiary institutes falling within the competence of the Provveditorati di Torino, Milano, Padova, Bologna and Firenze”.

17.54 – Mattarella: “Recognition for doctors and operators. Ministry of Health and timely regions “
And in a note the President of the Republic added: “I trust that sense of responsibility and unity of commitment will ensure the best and most effective response to protect the health of our fellow citizens”.

17.52 – Sala: “We advise the Milanese to reduce sociality”
“We advise Milanese people not to stay at home but to limit as much as possible, to reduce sociability and have hygiene rules”. The mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, said it at the end of the table in the prefecture with the prefect Renato Saccone and the Lombard councilor for welfare Giulio Gallera. “We are awaiting clarification at national level,” added Sala.

17.42 – Two new positive cases in Piacenza
The nurse, who lives alone, had voluntarily placed himself in isolation in his own home. He and the second infected, residing in Maleo (Lodi) are in solitary confinement in the infectious diseases department, are not in critical condition, and are receiving all the necessary care. Therefore, at the moment, the positivity of people due to the Lombard outbreak is confirmed, while at the moment there are no transmissions of the virus in Emilia-Romagna.

17.35 – Campania, De Luca: “Stop to school trips”
The President of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca, in agreement with the Regional Scholastic Office, has invited school leaders to suspend the organization of school trips for precautionary reasons. Campania, together with the other Regions, is in direct contact with the National Civil Protection and the Government. (HANDLE).

17.33 – The Griuli Venezia Giulia region decrees the state of emergency until 31 July
It is a measure to “face the health risk from Coronavirus, also in consideration of the first cases of contagion in Italy and in particular in the nearby region of Veneto and following the meeting of the Civil Protection Operational Committee which took place today”. This was announced by the deputy governor of Fvg, Riccardo Riccardi, who acted in agreement with the governor, Massimiliano Fedriga.

5.15 pm – A case in Piedmont
The Turin affected by Coronavirus “has a little fever but is in good health”. Governor Alberto Cirio said it from the Civil Protection Operations Room, where a Crisis Unit was convened at 3 pm today that “will remain open 24 hours a day”.

17.07 – Extraordinary CDM at 18.30
The extraordinary Council of Ministers on the coronavirus emergency will be held at 18:30. The meeting, in which ad hoc measures on the dossier will be taken, will be held at the Civil Protection headquarters in Rome

17.04 – Milan offices and secretariats are closed to the public
All those who work in the courts of the district of the Court of Appeal of Milan who reside in the municipalities of the lower Lodi area affected by the coronavirus must remain at home. This is what the President of the Milan Court of Appeal Marina Tavassi has decided. In its directive, Tavassi states that “as a precautionary measure, the judicial staff, toga and honoraries, the administrative staff as well as all the people who carry out training internships at the Offices and who are resident in the aforementioned municipalities, refrain from working / training at all the judicial offices of the District until further notice “. Nine courts operate in the district of the Court of Appeal of Milan: Como, Milan, Monza, Pavia, Lodi, Busto Arsizio, Lecco, Sondrio and Varese. The Milan prosecutor has also decided that the offices and secretariats of the prosecutors remain functional but will be closed to the public and therefore the documents will be filed with the URP, that is, with the public relations office.

16.45 – Ordinances to limit citizens’ contacts also in the Pavia area
The area of ​​”closed” Lombard municipalities for Coronavirus is expanding. Not only Codogno, Castiglione d’Adda and Casalpusterlengo: also in the Pavia area, the towns from which the two infected doctors come and exercise, Pieve Porto Morone and Chignolo Po, have suggested to the citizens to “limit themselves to entertain themselves in meeting places and public gatherings “. Anyone experiencing flu symptoms should not go to the emergency room at all but contact 112.

16.29 – Veneto, the dead patient had pneumonia
In the patient who died last night, the test was performed only after 14 days because – explained the director of the infectious diseases department of the Veneto Region Francesca Russo – he presented himself with a picture of pneumonia, he did not present the main criterion for the diagnosis which is that epidemiological meaning that it foresees either a trip to risk areas or contacts with people from risk areas “. “When the patient did not improve with the normal therapies put in place for influenza pneumonia, the test was done,” he said. “All the tests carried out on the health workers of the Schiavonia hospital were negative.”

16.21 – Schools closed in Piacenza
Closed schools, as well as public and private sports facilities, until Tuesday 25 February included in Piacenza and the province, and an invitation to avoid very crowded places. These are the decisions, valid for the whole of Piacenza, that come from the first meeting of the day of the enlarged Committee of Piacenza to face the problems related to the Coronavirus, convened by the prefect Maurizio Falco. These are purely “precautionary” measures.

16.11 – Zaia: “The universities of the Veneto closed from Monday”
The president of Veneto specified that he had consulted with the rectors of the various universities in the region: “We have decided to keep them closed from next week,” he said. Responding to journalists on possible measures for events such as the Venice Carnival, Zaia said that he awaits the guidelines that will be issued by the minister of health, Roberto Speranza, because the initiatives must be uniform across the country.

16.08 – Zaia: “The citizen of Mira is serious”
“The citizen of Mira, who tested positive this morning for the coronavirus, who was transferred to intensive care in Padua, has health conditions that concern us.” This was confirmed by the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia at the conclusion of a series of operational meetings for civil protection.

15.28 – The antibodies of the recovered patients are studied at Spallanzani
“By applying the model of other diseases, the hypothesis is that the antibodies in this case are protective. However, the cases in which they are not protective are minimal and we count thanks to the availability of these patients and the material that they will kindly decide to donate to the research, to evaluate how and how much the antibodies are able to eliminate the virus. It is one of our ambitious plans and we hope to carry it out “. The scientific director of the Inmi Spallanzani of Rome, Giuseppe Ippolito, said at the end of the press conference on the medical conditions of the Chinese couple and the two young Italians. At Spallanzani, therefore, the effectiveness of this component of the healed blood will be studied, an approach already used in the structure in the case of Ebola.

15.18 – “Two barracks in Milan Baggio and Piacenza for quarantine”
Among the proposals made by the Lombardy Region to the Government there is “the use of one of the two military structures identified in Milan Baggio and Piacenza. We are waiting for the ok. ” So the governor of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana.

15.07 – Vo ‘Euganeo: 8 Chinese taken to hospital for tests
Eight Chinese citizens who run an entrepreneurial activity in Vò Euganeo, a common epicenter of the Coronavirus infection in Veneto, were taken to the hospital for checks on their health. The mayor Giuliano Martini reports it to ANSA. The laboratory managed by the Eastern citizens is one of the points that the Municipality and the prevention structures are subjecting to checks, for investigations on the possible zero point of the spread of the virus. It is seven men and one woman. (HANDLE).

15.06 – Medical Association: “Offer yourself where it is needed”
“Doctors who have come into contact with cases of new coronavirus in areas of outbreaks in Lombardy and Veneto must be placed in mandatory quarantine.” Filippo Anelli, president of the National Federation of Medical Orders (Fnomceo), told ANSA, who also launched an appeal: “The quarantine of doctors, in those hospitals or in the offices concerned, could create problems of assistance. For this, I appeal to all colleagues: make yourself available, where possible, to make up for any shortcomings “.

14:57 – Catalog: “Redundancy fund for the areas concerned in Lombardy”
“Since yesterday, together with INPS, we are monitoring developments in the situation – said the Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo – and studying the countermeasures to be adopted for workers in companies located in the area affected by the ordinance of the Ministry of Health d agreement with the Lombardy Region. One – he explains – we have already identified it and that is to grant them the ordinary layoffs (Cigo): since this is an unpredictable event, such as this, there is no need for an ad hoc regulation “.

14:55 – “Positive 13% of swabs made in Lombardy”
About 13% of the swabs made so far to verify the contagion by Coronavirus in Lombardy have been positive: the councilor for Welfare of Lombardy Giulio Gallera said in a press conference underlining that there is an “evident contagiousness”. It is a virus “quite virulent but that in half of the people have an ordinary course”.

14.55 – Veneto: twelve cases of infection are detected
One of them was the 78-year-old who died yesterday in Schiavonia. It is learned from the Region. Of the other 11 infected, only one is outside the municipality of Vò Euganeo: the 67-year-old from Mira (Venice) brought to the hospital from Dolo last night in Padua, under intensive care. The remaining 9, including “seven other cases registered today” explained the governor Luca Zaia, all refer to residents of the municipality of Vò.

14.53 – Lombardy: “Positive old woman, but the causes of death are unclear”
Yesterday, said the Lombard Councilor for Welfare Giulio Gallera, “a deceased 77-year-old woman who had a whole series of pathologies was found in her home. This post mortem person was swab and tested positive, but to date we cannot say, given that the autopsy and other tests are missing, if he died from coronavirus or other situations. ”

14:52 – Mayor of Vo ‘Euganeo: “From Monday screening on all inhabitants”

14.50 – Fontana: “12 infected in Veneto”

14.47 – In Vo ‘Euganeo checks on Chinese activity
Checks are underway by the administration of Vo to find out the possible starting point of the infection from Coronavirus registered in the country. One of the hypotheses, explains Mayor Giuliano Martini, would lead to an entrepreneurial activity managed by Chinese citizens who may have had recent contacts with the country of origin. Among these people, according to the mayor, some occasionally frequented two bars in the town, meeting point, among others, of the first two infected.

14.47 – Gallera: “Outbreak in the lower Lodigiano”
“We have confirmation that the lower Lodi area is the center of an outbreak. We can say it with certainty, all positivity situations have had or had contact on 18 and 19 days with the emergency room and the Codogno hospital. ” This was said by the Lombardy Welfare Councilor Giulio Gallera, taking stock of the situation of the coronavirus in Lombardy.

14.44 – “In Lombardy 39 cases of contagion”
The number of people infected by Coronavirus in Lombardy has risen to 39: the president of the Region Attilio Fontana explained this at a press conference, stressing that they “all occurred” in the same area south of Lodi.

14.14 – Piacenza, bishop forbids the exchange of peace
Distribute Communion only on the hand and not in the mouth and avoid the exchange of peace. These are some of the measures ordered by the bishop of Piacenza Gianni Ambrosio for masses in the churches of the diocese. Following the provisions issued by the Prefecture of Piacenza on the Coronavirus, the Bishop also ordered, as a precautionary measure and until new indications, also the suspension of catechism, group and other aggregation opportunities.

13.59 – Selective acceptances at the Sacco di Milano
The Sacco Hospital in Milan has blocked the acceptance of new patients, but selectively, to make the best available beds available. The plan envisaged when managing a high flow of patients to the hospital is being applied, as learned from qualified sources.

13.57 – Milan, companies: “Those who are at risk stay at home”
Companies from Milan and the hinterland are gearing up to cope with the coronavirus epidemic that hit the Lodi area in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Health and the Lombardy Region. Since this morning, the staff offices of large groups such as Eni, Snam and Saipem are contacting one by one the employees who reside in the municipalities in the province of Lodi indicated among those at risk. The indication that is given to them is to stay at home and avoid social contacts as much as possible.

13.43 – Schiavonia hospital closed
The Schiavonia hospital in Monselice, in the province of Padua, where the 78-year-old man from Padua died from Coronavirus, was closed to the public. There are 300 patients and 150 employees inside. Meanwhile, tampons have started in three departments.

13.43 – In China, incubation up to 27 days is assumed
The incubation of the coronavirus could last 27 days, and not only 24, speculate the Chinese health authorities operating in the province of Hubei, the epicenter of the epidemic. A local newspaper reports the case of a 70-year-old man who developed symptoms only on February 19, after a single meeting with his sister on January 25. Confirmation of her sister’s infection had come shortly after this date.

13.28 – Access to a rest home in Piacenza is prohibited
Entrance forbidden, for anyone except operators, to the most important city structure for the elderly, the Vittorio Emanuele of Piacenza: this is a precautionary measure decided urgently by Asp City of Piacenza to protect the guests of the structure, and due to the situation of Coronavirus contagion risk underway throughout the area since yesterday, in consideration of the fact that, as is known, the elderly are the most life threatening people in case of contagion.

13.18 – Codogno medical guard: “Closed access to relatives of hospitalized patients”

12.58 – Spallanzani evaluated 77 tests, 63 negative
To date, 77 patients who have undergone tests for the search for the new coronavirus have been evaluated at the Spallanzani Institute in Rome. Yesterday there were 68, so there was an increase in access. This is what appears from the daily bulletin of Spallanzani in Rome. “Of the 77 patients checked, 63 tested negative, they were discharged – continues the bulletin – Fourteen patients are still hospitalized: three are the confirmed cases of Covid-19 (the Chinese couple and the young man coming from the site della Cecchignola who will be discharged today); Nine are the cases subjected to the test which is still ongoing; there are two cases that remain hospitalized for other reasons.

12.47 – 450 people locked in the Schiavonia hospital
Of these, 300 are patients and 150 are employees of the facility. Everyone is expected to carry out the swab to ascertain any contagion. Schiavonia hospital has a total of 300 beds and 600 employees. Personnel who were not in the departments yesterday will also be tested.

12.36 – Two doctors infected in the Pavia area
Two infected with coronavirus also in Pavese: these are two doctors from Pieve Porto Morone (Pavia), a town in the Bassa near the province of Lodi. From this night they are hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of San Matteo. The two doctors, husband and wife, were positive on the first checkup. Her husband works as a general practitioner in Pieve Porto Morone (Pavia) and Chignolo Po (Pavia). His wife is a pediatrician who works in the Codogno area (Lodi).

12.32 – Piacenza, an 82-year-old from Codogno positive at the test
At the Piacenza hospital, an 82-year-old woman residing in one of the Lombard municipalities particularly affected by the virus, Codogno, tested positive for the swab to check for the presence of Coronavirus. The elderly Lombard woman went to the Piacenza hospital yesterday, and was admitted to the Infectious Diseases Department. All internal controls started immediately by the Piacenza hospital.

12.17 – A suspected case in solitary confinement at San Raffaele
For the possible positivity of the patient, whose generalities are uncertain, we await confirmation from Rome.

12.06 – Conte: “We evaluate extraordinary measures”
“Soon I will be back to the Civil Protection Operations Committee for an update on the Coronavirus emergency and to evaluate new extraordinary measures.” So the premier, Giuseppe Conte, on Facebook.

11.57 – Fontana: “Situation of great difficulty in Lombardy”
“Dear Lombards, in these hours we are facing a situation of great difficulty. We must not panic, keep our nerves firm and be pragmatic, as we Lombards know how to be ”. This is the appeal of the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana on Facebook.

11.45 – Spallanzani: “The Italian researcher is negative. Discharged today “
“The Chinese man, hospitalized with his wife at Spallanzani, has become negative and is in good health,” added the Lazio Region Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, at a press conference at Spallanzani.

11.42 – Sala: “In the Municipality of Milan the activities of employees from the areas of the infection are suspended”

11.05 – A Dolo race in supermarkets. “They will close everything”
Many people ran to the supermarket this morning to stock up on food and basic necessities “in case, very likely, the municipalities of the Veneto affected by the infections should ‘close’ businesses and schools,” he tells Adnkronos Salute SG, father of two children already with the trolley in hand from the early hours of today. In Dolo, a town in the Veneto region where a case of positivity to the virus has been recorded in a patient who is now in intensive care, a Whatsapp group is active with the latest news that citizens exchange to update on the situation.

10.32 – 80 carabinieri sent to the Lodi area. “Reinforcement quota”
The Carabinieri Corps is sending a reinforcement contingent of 80 men to Lodi, “previously trained and equipped” to deal with the Coronavirus emergency. To this device is added a mobile clinic and medical support for the staff employed.

10.28 – The ‘patient one’ is stable
For the transfer of the 38-year-old positive to Coronavirus admitted to the Civic hospital of Codogno (Lodi) and in serious but stable conditions, the clinical picture is expected to improve for the transfer to the Sacco hospital in Milan, one of the two centers identified for the emergency together with the San Matteo hospital in Pavia.

It is a woman residing in Lombardy who could be connected to the Codogno cases. She was hospitalized with pneumonia, still awaiting the outcome of the disease test.

10.00 – New confirmed case: it is a man from Lodigiano
Areu Lombardia has ordered the transfer of a positive Coronavirus patient to the Sant’Anna hospital in Como. The man, from Lodigiano, arrived at three o’clock tonight and is hospitalized in the infectious diseases ward. The patient who at the moment he has no fever and is calm, requires, for a previous pathology, to undergo dialysis.

09.35 – Zaia: “The three cases in Veneto that occurred without” primary “contacts
The president of Veneto, Luca Zaia, confirms a third case of coronavirus in Veneto. “The case of a 67-year-old man who is now hospitalized in intensive care in Padua is confirmed. Now tests will also arrive on the families of the other two patients, one of whom, unfortunately, has passed away ”. “This last case is another case that makes ‘school’ – he noted – because there is no contact from primary carrier and therefore it can be said that these three cases that the virus is ubiquitous as it happens for the flu syndrome that does not you know who got it from. ” “I imagine that having cases of this type without contact and without characteristics of suspect patients – he concludes – demonstrates that having other cases of contagion is absolutely possible since they would have happened by chance”. Zaia is at the Veneto Regional Civil Protection Center to coordinate the emergency also by videoconference with Health Minister Roberto Speranza and the head of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli.

09.30 – The last case ascertained in Lombardy is of Sesto Cremonese
The man ascertained as the 16th Lombard man found suffering from Coronavirus is resident in Sesto Cremonese. He has been hospitalized in the pneumology department of the Cremona hospital for 5 days. To communicate it on Facebook was the mayor of the municipality. In a note, the mayor explained that last night he received “telephone news from the director general of Ats Valpadana of Cremona that a case of Coronavirus was detected on the territory of the Municipality of Sesto ed Uniti. Pending further measures that will be taken by the Lombardy Region – Councilor for Health and on a provisional and precautionary basis, he invites the entire citizenry to limit themselves to entertaining in meeting places and public gatherings (e.g. bars, sports facilities, religious places, …). Who has flu symptoms or breathing problems Do not go to the emergency room at all, but call 112, “wrote the mayor.

08.35 – New case ascertained in Dolo, in Veneto
A new positive case of coronavirus has been recorded in Veneto, in Dolo in the Venetian area. This positivity was confirmed by the regional center of Padua. The samples were sent to the Higher Institute of Health in Rome. The Veneto region confirmed this.

08. 30 – Arrived in Italy flight with 19 Italians of the Diamond Princess
The Air Force aircraft with the nineteen Italians from Japan landed at 6.37 at the Pratica di Mare airport. The compatriots, after finishing the visits, will be transferred to the Army Sports Center in Cecchignola.


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Coronavirus, the 78-year-old hospitalized in the Padua area has died. 15 infected in Lombardy, another in Veneto. Activities closed in 10 countries, buffer for 4200 people in Vò Euganeo – LIVE NOW FOR NOW


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Coronavirus, diary from isolation – “Names of positive test pediatricians circulate on mom’s chats. There is anxiety and it doesn’t hide “


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