BEHIND THE SCENES / “Italy hostage to China, a pro US party is needed immediately”


Minister Guerini flew to the USA, where significant talks are underway which can be very important in attempting to re-root Italian defense policies within that relationship with Washington which finds in war policies – not in war – the point archetypal of any policy of national interest.

In recent years, starting from the Renzi government, the national interest has been sacrificed, and not only because of the classic external constraint – that is, what exists from Maastricht onwards and which is a sort of Franco-German autopilot that moves away Europe from NATO and the USA continuously, due to slow and inexorable changes, such as those imposed by the functionalist theory on Jean Monnet, after the irreversible creation of multi-head personal parties, and therefore with variable geometry of control.

The exemplary lobbying models, in this regard, are that of De Benedetti, in the guise of providing capital gains on transactions that have as their model the counter-reform of the popular banks, or that of the plurigemellar (hard and soft) situational power actually exercised by China on technological infrastructures and creation of cultural institutions, such as the Italo-Chinese Center of Roman law at Sapienza.

This factually external situational power, which eradicates the national interest, constituted, for example, the sacred cushion of the secret Sino-Vatican agreement on the appointment of bishops, from which it arose – through the network of Villa Nazareth with legal painting – Genoese privatistics – Prime Minister Conte, body of pluriformic power between two governments without ever being elected by the people! Confucian power and Jesuit power united together, also in fact, in an anti-North American as well as an anti-Western function tout court.

And the uprooting is also underway in North Africa with the Turkish patrol of Tripoli already underway and the agreed division of Libya between Turkey, Egypt and Russia (we never forget that Turkey is certainly neo-Ottoman, but will always play between the USA and Russia, because both forces have and will increasingly need in the anti-Iranian role).

The reward that France will obtain for the loss of influence in Libya, where she also led the war against Gaddafi in 2011, will be the absorption of Eni in Total and in some branches of PetroChina, which already operates in Libya, led by former Eni administrators and managers of the Amato and Prodi era, that is, of the era of dispossession via privatizations and via fake fight against corruption. And in the new era, marked by scarcity of resources, secular deflation and recomposition of the EU via Brexit, the dispossession takes place, and will take place, military manu.

This is why Guerini’s trip to the United States is so important, perhaps more important than the competent and serious former Christian Democrat is aware of. We hope and hope that it will realign roots, implementing the F-35 and our presence in the Balkans and Iraq, as well as alongside Greece in that of Cyprus, reminding everyone that the Turkish Cypriot state is not recognized internationally . And in doing so it will be possible to find an Italian Atlantic role also with respect to the Ukrainian affair.

Now that the United Kingdom regains its natural path of transatlantic power and equilibrium between France and Germany, this is what is needed in order not to unbalance too much in an anti-North American function a Europe that can never be united if not only with petitions of principle.

The abandonment of pro-China vertigo will be the most difficult task, because all the institutionally powerful Italian upper classes are already out of control by soft and money power Chinese, who worked hard for two decades already in the Hua Guofeng era and who found in Xi Jinping its most threatening and brutal version: eradicating Chinese national interest, however, will not be possible with this government.

The organic disappearance of the peristaltic mucilage Cinquestelle leaves a void that the Democratic Party can fill, but in function even more anti-North American and pro-Chinese, because the Democratic Party is the party of fortune companies and regional micro-entrepreneurial companies with strong areas of state re-capitalization, as the appointments on which the fratricidal struggle between companies of fortune and external constraints will demonstrate. A great show between the fall of the gods without cosmogony and tressette players of a company full of clouds.


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