According to Research, It Is Normal To Have Flu Two Times A Year


As the winter months approach, the vast majority of people show flu symptoms and make certain complaints. So how many times a year is flu normal?

Every autumn, when sneezing and cough sounds begin to sound, we all begin to move away from other people in hopes of washing our hands with disinfectants for months, taking vitamins and protecting from the flu. Influenza virus, an enemy we know very closely, infects millions of us every year and presents us effects such as tremors, coughs and body aches.

Isn’t it the only thing that comforts many of us against this infection, at least we won’t have to worry about the rest of the season? Actually no. Rarely, in one season twice catch flu completely possible. And unfortunately, it may be even more likely to be flu than usual, as the current year was shaped as a double flu season.

flu virus

Since there is more than one type of flu, it is always possible to catch the flu twice. In fact, we can also talk about this situation to get sick with two flu viruses at the same time. Because one type of flu almost always dominates any flu season, another causes smaller clusters of disease that persist in the background. While the flu affects a large number of people from all countries each year, only 20% of the US population is sick.

Preventive and infectious disease researcher William Schaffner at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, “Exposure at a point where you can be sensitive to both viruses and twice You must have a really bad chance of getting sick. ” says.

Is the flu vaccine really protective?

flu vaccine

The answer to this question is yes. Every year, flu vaccines think influenza experts are more likely to be dominant. four types We can say that it was designed to target. Nobody can advocate that the vaccine provides full protection until the end of the season, but the effects of flu are noticeable in people who are vaccinated. weakened has also been scientifically proven.

Epidemiologist Ruth Lynfield says antivireans can also help for people who are already sick and have serious symptoms. In order to prevent infection of everyone who comes to this situation, call their doctor he adds that it will be true. We hope we all survive this season with minimal damage.

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