“Two drugs are effective.” WHO brakes. The case of Verona is negative


Coronavirus, identified two drugs effective in inhibiting the virus

Coronavirus, Chinese researchers have identified two drugs effective in inhibiting the virus. The professor’s research team Li Lanjuan, known epidemiologist and professor at Zhejiang University, announced that preliminary tests are proving the effectiveness of two drugs (Abidol is Darunavir) in inhibiting the coronavirus in in vitro cell experiments. The Changjiang Daily reports it. The professor said that the anti-HIV drug Kelizhi, currently used, is not very effective and instead has side effects. Medical personnel have been transferred from eastern Zhejiang province to Hubei province hoping to use treatment on newly infected patients.

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Coronavirus, Chinese couple remains in resuscitation. The hotel maid in Verona is negative

WHO brakes.There are no known effective therapies against 2019-nCoV (coronavirus)», a WHO spokesman told the Financial Times. The organization recommends that every potential drug be tested regularly and has scheduled a press conference for 4 p.m. this afternoon.

Boom contagions. “At 6 this morning there were 24,363 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in China, with 490 deaths. In the past 24 hours, we have had the highest number of cases in a single day since the outbreak». This was stated by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a press conference in Geneva.Until now, 99% of cases have occurred in China, and 80% of Chinese cases are in Hubei province. The relatively low number of cases outside China gives us a window of opportunity to prevent this epidemic from becoming a global problem».

Coronavirus, the judges of peace: «In the hearings for the expulsions of migrants we risk contagion»

Pregnant women positive to the new coronavirus they may be able to pass it on to the baby during gestation. Wuhan Children Hospital doctors told CCTV, according to international media reports. The hypothesis emerged after the case of a woman with coronavirus who gave birth to a baby on February 2 last. The baby, who underwent the coronavirus test, tested positive 30 hours after birth

Care still far away. A cure for coronavirus is still far away: we are working with already known drugs, but in vitro tests are not enough to draw any conclusions: so the infectious disease expert Massimo Galli, from the University of Milan and head of the Sacco hospital, comments the announcement made today in China that two antivirals can inhibit the 2019-nCoV coronavirus, based on in vitro tests. “In such a critical situation – noted Galli – you work with what you have”.

A ROBOT. To reduce the spread of the pneumonia epidemic caused by the 2019-nCoV coronavirus, China is working on developing a robot capable of replacing healthcare professionals in conducting oropharyngeal tests necessary to identify the infection. Experts from the Siasun company, one of the largest automata manufacturers in China, and from the Shenyang Automation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, started the necessary research and development activities over a week ago. Various departments have been mobilized in development, installation and testing activities to speed up research.

The waitress hospitalized in the Policlinico di. Will be discharged in the evening Verona for investigations, following a feverish attack that triggered the emergency protocol from Coronavirus. The woman works in the hotel where the Chinese couple who is in intensive care at the Spallanzani in Rome stayed after having contracted the virus. Health sources of the Integrated University Hospital of Verona have confirmed that it is a simple influence.

The 54-year-old Belgian citizen infected with the coronavirus who is in quarantine at the Saint-Pierre hospital in Brussels says he is feeling well and “not feeling sick”. Several local media reported it citing an interview with the man from West Flanders made by the newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws. “Suddenly the doctors came to tell me they had bad news for me. I had to take a shower immediately and then they provided me with protective clothing so that I could be transferred by ambulance, “said the man. The 54-year-old was repatriated on Sunday from China, where he has been working for five years in a factory 120km from Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic. His wife, however, remained in China and this is a source of concern for him. “It is possible that it was already the carrier of the virus,” says the man, “fortunately we filled our freezer since our city of Huangshi, 100 km from Wuhan, was put in isolation.”

ECONOMIC CRISIS IN BRAZIL. The coronavirus epidemic in China could have a negative impact on economic growth forecasts in Brazil, as China is the main trading partner of the South American country. Government and private sector analysts report this today, heard by the local media. Joao Borges, a well-known economic journalist for Globo News and CBN radio, cited a senior official who did not want to be identified, according to whom Jair Bolsonaro’s government “is very worried” about the fallout from the epidemic, because “it the global scenario is changing due to this crisis in China and other factors, and so the year is starting with a different dynamic from what was hoped for “. A cooling of the Chinese economy, underlining various analysts cited by Folha, could lead the Brazilian Central Bank to decide a new reduction in the reference interest rate for Celic, bringing it from 4.50 to 4.25%, while the expectation of growth for 2020, which is currently 2.30% according to the market, could drop to 2.10%.

Last update: 18:35


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