Source: Arabic.net
The ministry stated in statements to the newspaper “Okaz” that it works directly with companies by holding workshops to discuss the pattern of work remotely and how to develop it in a way that suits the needs of the private sector, stressing its keenness to increase jobs, as the most prominent obstacles facing applicants in this field It is represented by the lack of opportunities offered, compared to the number of applicants, “The total number of remote job seekers registered in the online portal since its trial launch 3 months ago is 65,000 researchers, while the number of offered opportunities does not exceed 2500 opportunities, and 2200 workers and workers have been employed of these opportunities “.
The Ministry has set the total enrolled in the remote work program since its launch 4 years ago in 2016, more than 16,235 workers and workers; 15,166 workers (93% of the total number of workers), while the total remote workers who are currently on the job are 10,641 workers and workers, of whom 9,854 female workers (92%).
On the nature of the jobs offered, the Ministry of Labor clarified that the opportunities are provided by private sector companies and not by the Ministry, pointing out that it has launched a “portal” for remote work; to facilitate those wishing to work in the style of remote work (individuals or companies), offer and find job opportunities dedicated to this. the pattern.
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