The Sonar Research Company’s survey on the Kanal Istanbul project was conducted between 27 January and 3 February 2020 in Istanbul’s most populous 30 districts, interviewing 2,69 people face to face. In the survey, which is the most crowded group between the ages of 25-34 and 35-44, 39 percent of the respondents asked “How much do you know about the Canal Istanbul project”, “I have no information”, 31.9 percent “I have some knowledge”, 24.1 percent i replied “I have enough information”. The ratio of those who said “Do you think Kanal Istanbul project should be done or not?” Was 35.9 percent, while those who said “I have no idea” was 10.4 percent, and the rate of citizens who did not want the project to be done and answered “Do not” was 53.7 percent.
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