Netanyahu to Heads of Authorities: “Understanding with US”


The heads of authorities in Judea and Samaria met for more than two hours last night with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as part of the struggle of heads of authorities to apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria as the United States Century Plan allows. The majority of the heads of authorities attended the meeting. Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan told the Prime Minister: “We see you as a national leader as much as Menachem Begin, we expect you to take a national leadership step like Menachem Begin who applied sovereignty over the Golan Heights as opposed to the US position and that even led to the cancellation of the security agreement between the US.” In the end, years passed, the Golan flourished, and the United States recognized it after a few years. “You are a leader on the Begin scale. We ask that you act as Begin as Begin began one day in the law, to the Ministerial Legislative Committee and to the Knesset.”

Dagan went on to say to Netanyahu: “The US government, what they did to you, is like raising you to the head of the Empire State Building, letting you reach the top of the tower, get to Washington, make a solemn and international statement to the world, and throw you out of the tower with the stop of realization. This hurts us because we love you. You are asked to stand up for yourself, to show leadership, to apply sovereignty to all of Judea and Samaria. ”

PM Netanyahu explained to those in attendance that “elections must be won, there was internal misunderstanding. We must work to resolve and reach an understanding with the United States.” Yesha Council Chairman David Alhayani also concluded: “We met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu , We heard his words and expressed our support for him. The heads of authorities asked the prime minister to make all efforts to apply Israeli sovereignty even before the elections. It has been agreed that the ongoing relationship will continue and update the progress of the efforts, in the coming days. ”

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